Thursday, December 3, 2009


How does an experience leaves you with?Worst off?Better off?Stronger?Weaker?Dumb-founded?Wiser?

How do you equate an experience whether it is good or bad?Of the condition at that point of time?Or the latter?

We all have weird experiences,funny experiences,angry experiences,and mixed emotions experiences. But would you call it bad or good? Would you say the bad one's are due to your karma and bad luck?or would you say the good one is,well you dont say anything really when its good.

I met with an accident today.When I was turning into my housing area,I put my signal 3 seconds before turning and this motorbike who had seated a man and his wife just drove at the side of my left without paying any attention. So when I turned, he banged me on my left part of the car and fell down with his wife. He had a bad bad scratch and so did his wife. Her skirt had droplets of blood all over. She knew he was wrong, because she was wimpering at him and telling him in hokkien he was wrong. He of course,being the man said it was my fault. I was talking to him in a very rought tone saying it as his fault. Thank god that area had alot of indians. They came to my rescue and said it was neither's fault. They were about 50+ years old. Yeah,old. I discussed with him,told him I'd pay for the medical bills. He's motorbike left hand side mirror broke and his handle crakced a little. That was all. I decided I could be an adult for once and settle this properly without my parents involved. I told him I'd pay 50 buxs for his motor and we'd be done. But no,he said its more expensive then that and that if not lets go to the police. I was very tempted but I was only a 'P' driver and I am due in three weeks time to get my real licence. I wouldnt want to jeapordise it.

So brought him to some unknown chinese clinic and they got wiped and tetanus shots and I paid RM50 each. Thats RM100. Then I brought him to a place in Chai Leng Park to get it repaired but it was closed. Then when to BM. This time I had to call my dad. So my dad came and the man trembled. So does every other man when they see dad. Ahh,the luxury. And my dad told me to bring him to a mechanic near my place and it was all'kautimed'.

I think I was the most nicest victim. I am the victim mind you. My car just got few scratch marks. No biggie. But of course I do pity the couple. He told me he wanted to do further check ups. FUCK YOU. I told him "No.Our agreement was I paid this medical bill and fix ur bike. Other then that not my problem" and he shut his mouth. I know at the way you all see how I write this, it may look like I am the bad guy because why then would I be obliged enough to bring him to a clinic and fix his bike.

Thing is,I brought him to the clinic because of civic conciousness. I drove him and his wife there. I mean, if I was to be in his side I would hope that someone would be kind enough to send me there too.The bike fixing story was because I am not going to pay,will get dad to do it and also that its better that way then he going to the police because then my licence might be pulled. Oh yes,its RM80 to fix the whole thing.Expensive lar.

So dad for now has not said anything. I told him not to tell mom. But knowing my dad,he would. God knows how I am going to look at mom in the eyes. She's going to give me a good mouth lashing. Of course,I do hope dad takes me as an adult enough not to tell mom. But parents are parents and never your friends.Mom was giving me a whole speech last night and today morning about how I drive and blah blah. Isnt it ironic this happened today morning?

So how do I quantify this experience? It will make me face accidents better next time I suppose,but of course it all depends on circumstances and definielty I am not hinting of getting into it anymore.I will be more cautious on the road?I am braver to talk to adults?I dont know. I am afraid of Mom really. The adrenalin is really all about mom. I know you may be thinking, boy what a wimp. But you have no idea how my mom is. So where do I stand?I lost RM180, there goes my new nike sport shoes. I guess itseither NB or RBK now.

I am still stunned by the whole thing in the morning. Its lie a huge wake up call. I really need to be more cautious on the road. What happens if next I will be in thier position and I dont get through it? Boy, now there's a thought.


Thursday, November 26, 2009


23 Nov 2009 would now be officially ADAM LAMBERT day. Its not AMA 2009.

Reason because he did such a controversy in his performance for his song "For Your Entertinment". He dragged a lady by her ankle and had a mans face rub his crotch and the finale- HE KISSED A GUY.

I just watched his performance on CNN.I couldnt find any on You Tube. I was shocked by what he did, but I didnt feel any hatred towards him. I think what he did was alright. I read the whole statements about him. People were saying he shouldnt have done it,some were saying its ok. I think its either a love it or hate it show.

Adam Lambert is a performer. He has to make shows thats makes you go "WOW!". Thats a performer. When Lady Gaga wears like a see through skin coloured top and dance, its ok. When she plays the piano with fire around her and breaking beer bottles on it, thats ok. Lady Gaga kisses girls in most of her videos,thats ok. When Rihanna performed with guns pointed at her, that was ok too. And if anyone can remember,allow me, remember years ago at the VMA's? Madonna,Britney and Chrisitina had a threesome kissing on the stage. That created quite a stir but it got calmed after awhile. Then you had the Janet blooper. Next,Katy Perry came out with a song titled "I kissed a Girl" which also made such a haloo-baloo. But everyone just thought it was all A-OK.

I hate it when people practice double standards on this kind of issues. Why be so insensitive and so unfair to him? Just because his GAY and he showed it? People said " How can he do that?There are children watching". I loved his answer. "I'm a performer not a baby sitter". True, you have a choice to switch off the channel or tuning it into another. So why complaint? That guy is definitely the next big thing to watch for. After so long, I think a male has just won back the title for being the next big thing. I think he's future just got brighter.


Pisau Cukur-"Gold Digger"

I got a blog topic yang cukup PANAS!!!

Wasn't anyone a pisau cukur(gold digger) before?

I know I was(still am,opps!). I am to my parents. To my sister. To some of my friends.

Some people hate it, some people love it. For both. Being the pisau cukur-er and being the pisau cukur-ee. I prefer being the former then the latter. Well who wouldnt be. But anyone in this current economy situations would have doubled up their efforts in syphening out anybodys money. It is bad, but if its for all the right reasons( like that new Top Man tee I just saw in QB)it would be alright.

But in Malaysia and Singapore latest trend, marry a Dato'.

Other then the fact he can marry four (so you and your many money-sucking friends can join in) he has all the purple's(RM100 in Malaysia is purple in colour) that you can dream of. I wouldnt mine being the toy a of a Datin, actually. But of course, I must be wanted to by them.BAH!

So here come's along Malaysia's new comedy movie that has hit the cinema.


Acted by Nur Fazura and Maya Karin, directed by the oh-so-famous Bernard Chauly(j'adore) and screenplay directed by the newcomer (well at least to moi) Rafidah Abdullah . Its the story about two best friends who are finding their money bag which really is a filthy rich Dato' that will make any girl a DATIN. Intan a pretty face journalist and Bella, a once contestant in a show called Who Wants to Marry A Millionaire are best friends go on a cruise holiday to catch them a big fish, but somehow things take a change and both meets their own catch,somehow not so very big according to their expectations. 'Gigi Besi' acted out by newcomer by Shahredza Minhat was quite good at his acting,especially in his witty dialog at getting Bella. My sis thought he was really cute and so was the girls that were sitting behind us. But of course man-of-all-mans title in Malaysia has just been stolen by Aaron Aziz, the ever dashing playboy detective whose got the crushes for Intan. I tell you, the moment Aaron comes in, girls just started squeeking. Who wouldnt?

The movie was superbly directed. Camera angles were excellent. Colours of clothing and the background was so bright and cheerful and so mood co-ordinated. The dialog,was hands down the winner for this year's Malaysian movie from me. Acting skills were realy good, especially by Fazure who of course excels at playing the 'tergedik-gedik' character and someone who I have got to say, I have the hots for. Rafidah really did a good job.I knew she was an excellent host, but a screen writer? Now thats something to watch out. Rumours has it that it was wholly done in an apartment?If it was true,two thumbs up for making it look like it was on a ship. The dancing by Maya was so-so. I like Maya Karin, but I dont really know if it should have been here for the place of Bella. She cant, I think carry out the role well. They should have taken another actress. But for all the glamour brought in by Maya and Nescafe,I guess, business wise it was not all a mistake after all.

Its really fresh to see that new faces that are being brought in and that people are given the chance to show off their talent.HIGH TIME. Bernard Chauly, you did it again! It would be good to see if you can make two movies a year. Like every 6 months, to up the standards of the Malaysian movies.

The cinema was jammed pack. I watched it on the second day. I dragged my sister along. Who bytheway, detest Malaysian movies for the very irony of it. But after this two, I think she's got some thinking to do. Next time a good Malaysian movie comes out, I am dragging my family and friends. I know whats coming out, Mualaff in December 16!


This movie was good. After much criticising on Mr. Afdlin Shauki of his movies on his blog page, finally the man came out with a movie called 'Papadom'.Thing about this movie is that they didnt show it off to the public once it was done. Instead, they showed had an official screening at the Malaysian Film Festival that was held in Kota Kinabalu earlier this year. There was much hype about the movie as it won alot of awards and was a stiff competition with Yasmin Ahmad's mind blowing movie 'Talentime'.

Anyways, this movie is about a father's( acted by Afdlin,of course) love for his daughter (acted by Liyana Jasmay) after the death of his loving and doting wife (Noorkiriah) in a car accident. The movie shows obsessed Afdlin becomes of his daughter from at the first shots of the film after his wife dies were that his was 'selamba' to try and take his daughter's top off to allow her to go and bathe (a very good touch!) and he brings her food to school complete with plates,rice, chicken, vege and the ever so famous food of the film-papadom.

The comedy in this movie was very very nice. Not like the previous movies he made that seemed to make flops and had bad malay jokes or in other words 'lawak kampung'. But this film it was so modern and it was really refreshing to see that there were also chinese and indian people acting in this movie. Most of the time in Malaysian movies they only show Malays,like as if they are the only race in Malaysia. Liyana's best friend (Chelsia Ng) played a good role with lots of dialog and so was Pete Teo as Afdlin;s best friend. There was a nice touch in the movie when Pete Teo said at one point, since there was him and Afdlin and Indian man runs a shop, they could all get Dato' ship titles.

The camera angles were good. The dialog made sense, so was its jokes. Lightings were abit problamatic at some parts (eg:at Yvone's house for the party). Sound system was good. But I think Mr.Afdlin should really consider not taking Vanida as his partner in any movie or well just not hire her at all. Ms.Vanida,face it. You cant act. Ms.Vanida Imran was as usual, as stiff as a stick but her dialog's gave her off,so it was ok on her part.Sepi was made succesful because of the wonderful and brilliant director Mr.Khabir Bhatia and it was also because of his dramatic effects the movie was nice. Given just by your acting,pfft.

I think this was a-one-of-a kind malay movie. It was such a different movie. This movie deserved their awards which were:

Best Original Story,
Best Actress,
Best Actor and
Best Film at the 22nd Malaysian Film Festival 2009!

Although, I would have given the last award to Yasmin Ahmad's 'Talentime'. It was just too good.

Mr.Afdlin, please make more movies like this. It was really nice to watch. And the boria part, good touch. Thumbs up!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


I honestly dont know how to understand mom's.

I fought with my mom for her taking a long LONG time doing her facial.

That is ok, but she told me to come before she really finished. And I was waiting at a non-waiting area for 45 minutes. It was like going crazy,sitting there and doing nothing.

Arrive 5pm. Yet I had to wait so long!

And how many times that stupid security guard warned me go away, like I was some crow.

- 5.15pm -

Security Guard: "Berapa lama lagi?"

Me: "Sekejap lagi"

Security Guard: "Sini tak boleh tunggu lama-lama. Bahaya. Asident"

Me: "Apenye yang asident uncle? Sekejap ja lagi"

- 5.30pm -

Security Guard: "Masih belum gerak lagi ke?"

Me: "Kalau dah gerak, takkan Uncle masih boleh cakap ngan saya?"

Security Guard does sour face like eatng jeruk mangga...

Me: "Ye la, ye la. Nak pi. Another 5 minit"

- 5.45pm -

Mom and sis enters the car and mom asks how are you and I start shouting about time and how can she do that to me. Being a mom that she is, she started yelling back, pointing her fingers and on the verge of probably hitting me. I am so pissed la. She emotionally blackmailed me.

She screamed about how I am now.

She screamed about how I would be then.

And she screamed about how I will be when I am with muy wife.

I tell you thats all they do.

I felt like moving out of the house intanttaneously. But being Malaysia, there are no support from anywhere if were to stay on our own. Plus I have no work so no cash and most definelt not able to rent anywhere so soon.

I will definelty leave Penang once I finish with my degree. I dont want to stay at home anymore and not in Penang. I would like to venture out.

Anyways, mom and sis left for Penang. God knows when she comes back what kind of drama will take place.


Beyonce "Postpone's" Concert in Malaysia

Yes, I know.

She's not coming.

Due to the artiste sole reason.

I have no idea what is going on in this country. I am so fed up of so man things and this has just topped it all. Honestly,if the PAS people does not want to watch, the dont go. Its not a free show or something arangged by the government for the people. But it is a private show, where people pay so much to be entertained by the current greatest artiste on earth(after Michael Jackson).

The way the Malaysian's insult her is being so ignorant to their surroundings and very hurtful to any successful artist from anywhere around the globe. Honestly, everytime a female artist is suppose to come to Malaysia this narrow minded people come in and make a havoc and claim this is for the people. And what is unbelievable is that the government bows down to this culprits. How can it be so? I wonder who then is running the government.

Its not like as if after watching this people's performance everyone will go into a crime craze,or sex craze or a high. People are paying huge sums of money to be entertained. Not to wacth a glum show. The days of those kind of concerts have long passed and so should this people go along with them. Its not right to allow other people from having the free will to watch what they would like to watch on the basis just one religion. It doesnt mean by watching Beyonce and the likes perform will now make ALL MUSLIMS turn against the religion or start murtad-ing.

I find that its those who dont watch have the shallowest and puniest faith of the religion and of its people who professess the religion. The best thing is that the people who are demanding this shows to be put down are the uneducated bafoons without any proper education background and the one's who are following them like donkey with a carrot attached are the 'educated' one's who runs the department that deals with allowing foreign performance. Will they also try stoping any non-muslims entering the country form now on since they would also(in the minds of those narrow minded people) shaken the MALAYS faith?

Its only a matter of time before nobody comes into this country anymore and we will be lacking behind our competitiors,namely being Singapore who is dealing excellently in bringing foreign acts.

It is a shame.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Deeper Conversation-Yuna

Is your favourite colour blue?
Do you always tell the truth?
Do you believe in outerspace?
And im learning you

Is your skin as tanned as mine?
Does your hair flow sideways?
Did someone took a portion of your heart?
And im learning you

And if you dont mind
Can you tell me
All your hopes and fears
and Everything that you believe in
Would you make a difference in the world
I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation
Only you can make me

I let my guard down for you
And in time you will too

if you dont mind
Can you tell me
All your hopes and fears
and Everything that you believe in
Would you make a difference in the world
I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation
Only you can make me

if you dont mind
Can you tell me
All your hopes and fears
and Everything that you believe in
Would you make a difference in the world
I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation
Only you can make me

Deeper Conversation
let me

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Settingi-tinggi tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jua....

This was hilarious.

Ok,maybe not SO hilarious(and I might be sinning here) but I did sly a giggle in the morning went I read the paper's yesterday.

"ANGRY EARTH"-Star Newspaper.

Pictures were pasted everywhere and articles on all sides of the pages went on about a tsunami cum earthquake cum disaster that took place in Indonesia on late wednesday evening of 30th September 2009. So the article was about how many poeple died and the search is still on, Malaysians students there who are trapped and so on. Today's newspaper was the continuation of it and how the Malaysian government is flying in the students back to Malaysia and so on.

Here come's the hilarious part. When I took one look at the newspaper article, it just occured to me-KARMA. There is nothing better in this world then karma. That's why advocate karma like a stonge believer. Or in pop language "what comes around goes around-Justin Timberlake". See the thing is, the Indonesians were so rough and tough on the issue that we Malaysians were stealing everything thats theirs and that we dont have anything to ourselves. As much as we have apologised, and although it was super duper clear that we were not the one's who stole their great Pendent Dance and proclaimed it ours(it was the works of Discovery Channel,which bytheway they have taken responsibility of and apologised), the Indonesians still wanted to wage war on us by and i quote "sea,land,air and in every possible manner".

While the world is still fiddling out itself from a great economic depression they seem to be wanting to cause a greater depression not on ourselves but them. History has shown many times,that we are better then them in many many ways and it will continue to do so. They were called a developing economy recently and were to be expected to join the likes of India,China and Brazil. But I guess when you do bad, you get back bad-karma ladies and gentleman.

There was so much of feud going on between us on issues of food, and culture and dance and language, songs and clothes, maids and marriage. And now even more recent,even after their Defence Minister has said there will be no such thing as war, I like to know then why is it then that yesterday in the Star there was an article that said their current Prime Minister Susilo Bambang told the whole country to wear Batik as their formall apprell everywhere they go and its now a must in their government sector to do so as, and i quote "to show the world where batik comes from". So tell me, why is then their own Prime Minister is saying this? Why do I feel like by the Prime Minister saying it he is in someway hinting that Malaysia has stolen their clothing heritage? Everyone who knows basic history would know this clothing style comes from Middle East, India and China and over time has been worn only by the royals and rich. We were the first country in the world to say thats its ours and we were the one's who made sure it became a formal wear for everyone across the country since I think 1957. Our style of batik is unique on our own and it has no what-so-ever resemblance to the Indonesian batik. Is that our fault then?

And where is the stand of our well beloved and respected Prime Minister in replying to all of this crap? Since when has Malaysians ever sat back and let other nations say things about us?

Freedom of speech is a must my fellow Malaysians,yet what must be straigtened out must be done so and what truth in everything must be let out. If not things will just go out of hand and it mught just become too late.

Now even Singapore claims most of our food is theirs. Well I am not going to say anything about that but the very fact that Singapore is a country with excellent branding skills and they are able to proclaim things well says alot. Malaysia on the other hand is lacking behind.

Why are there no one in the field of branding not doing anything? Its not all about money ladies and gentleman. Do it for the country. There was no justice and right even in America until the Civil War and how hard the black had to proof their rights in the country to. So do the same and dont just say levae it to the majority to do everything as I beieve it is the minority people who has greater creativity compared to the majority. I wish Singapore will not proclaim anything more. A city so small couldnt and can never have such rich culture and heritage when everyone there are nothing but were immigrants. They were once Malayans too. If anything they came out of this country and became their own and had reached success in their own manner. But other then Singapore Bihun and Chilli Crab,nothing is thiers. Are they going to next proclaim Nasi Lemak is theirs?

Back to the Indonesians. Since they wanted to wage war with Malaysia so much, and eventhough our apologises has gone on deaf ears and our written sorry's have gone on blind eyes, it looks like God has waged war upon them. I guess the tremors and earthquakes took place at the right time. I know it may be far fetched to say it,but to me its true. We had said our due's on this issue, we even told the Malaysians there to discuss the issue like grown ups. But no, they wanted war. They claimed if it isnt because of the Indonesians we would have not gotten to where we are in terms of construction. Yes, I have to agree on that. If it isnt because of them, we wouldnt be able to have KLCC and wonderful homes to live in. But they have to know,its not like we were asking them to built it for free. Neither did we pay them pittence as salaries. Most of them went back millionaires in their villages and came back wanting more. Alot of them left the destitute of a country wanting better life's here and we gave it to them. So please tell me how can they say we were being thiefs?

When their country was hit with the tsunami so powerful that it destroyed nearly the whole of Acheh in 2006, we practically built it up from ground and above again for them like it was some simple Lego toy. The amount of money donated there by the private sectors ,NGO's, corporates and the Malaysian government donated even more. Malaysians were donating so much for all the places in their country that was destroyed. Even Yogyakarta. And Mercy Malaysia was the first team that arrived there helping in everyway they could form food to water ,medication, psychology help. Their own people barely did anything.

And yet this is the kind of things we get from them?Being grateful is one of the greatest compassion a human can have, and its the one thing I think lacks in the Indonesians.

If it is anything at all, it is them to blamed for many criminal records and diseases in this country and thats a FACT. If it is anything at all, it is them why this country is having many terrorist, and thats a FACT. If it is anything at all, it is them to be blamed for any war that is to come, and that is a FACT.

I have no interest in waging war in any country, and I know all Malaysians feel the same. We are one ASEAN. In one way or another, we are interwined somewhat, not in any "serumpun" manner or whatever the Malays like to say, but just by language and some cultural practices. But it is not right for any party to claim whats righfully theirs when its rightfully wrong. Until and unless, they have solid evidence to proof it, then take the case to the court. Belting out in public embaresses nations and it is not healthy in any manner as both depend on each other alot.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

No money.....


This has to happen only at the worst time of my life.

I am cash strippen. Yes,friends. I am cash strippen.Yet, I have so many things I plan to do.Mainly of course to go to the Beyonce's concert. But I need RM500 for it. I am not sure whether my family will buy it for me. Dang dang dang.

Anyone would like to sponsor me a ticket? Or donate some money for me?

Please please...

Then I have my bike licence to take.

And other things la!

Now all that goes on in my head is..."all the single ladies,all the single ladies"

Bytheway, there will be a youtube posting by fellow Malaysians wishing Beyonce a Happy 28th Birthday. Anyone interested in leaving a video clip to add on can do so by just recording a video clip of 10seconds wisihing her Happyy Birthday. And email it to me at by this Sunday.

Thank You.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009





I am not sure if this is a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare,either way I, dont want to wake up from this!!!!

Beyonce you have me definetly buying your ticket! I am coming! Please dont cancel the concert! I am loking forward to it like dear life. You bailed on me in 2007. Dont do it again this time Bee.





A year has past so fast. The fasting month pased like a blink of an eye and I didnt even feel its hunger. Raya came and its going very soon too. It felt only like yesterday I blogged on raya. And now its 2009's raya. How time flies. And I do feel old. Come end of this weekend I am no longer a boy. I am child. I am no lober a teen. I am and adult. That sucks. Although,maybe I can say I am not 21 yet, so no responsibilities to live on too yet. Haha.

Anyways, I would like to wish all my friends and family and avid bloggers




Beyonce, my darling artist,friend,lover,crazer,addicter,life coacher

HAPPY HAPPY 28th BIRTHDAY BEYONCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New Start!

Ok,its either my bloogig site is getting very boring or I am just writing very boring stuff or I am not writting enough.

Anyhow, I have finally begun my second year in my law degree. Its funny how its called Part one instead of Part 2. I got through last years exam. What a relief! Now i have to start studying for my bulky subjects. Damn.

But this time I am more determined. I think I am going to apply for the scholarship. I know what I want and I think its time I get things right in my lie. Past experiences have pushed me to my limit both emotionally and physically and this has made me chagne my perspective of life. I see many people still are not sure what they want to do. I am there too. But for this year, I see myself doing things and being things that are good in many ways.

I spent my 3 months holiday taking care of my Uncle that has a wife and two able adult children in Klang. But NO! They are just such responsible family members that they cant even take care off their own father. And my family has to do all the work. I, especially, as I am the one who fetches and sends him to the hospital and do nothing for hours and hours. It was just so exhausting. But now,he has gone back,not after many drama in between, I am able to be who I was and do what I wanted to do. I have to go start creating a list on that.

Meanwhile, the fasting month or the Ramadhan month has come for fellow Muslims around the world. Its been two weeks. Boy, has time flied. In another two weeks time I would be celebrating Aidilfitri. I have done all my raya shopping. But somehow I am still not impressed. But I dont want to buy any clothes yet. I intend to fully loose my weight to a size M, waist 34. Thats one size to go and four inches to loose. The fasting month has helped but I lost all my muscle weight and I feel bloated these days,just sleeping and eating. And not having my usual dietery fibre, I aint spending time in the loo long enough.

Well, now I have to go and do my list.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Yasmin Ahmad's comment

Below is Yasmin Ahmad's comment on about the Malaysian film industry and the language that is forced in the industry. This was in Afdlin Shauki's blogspot which i commented on and was next commented by Yasmin Ahmad. I do hope that this would enlighten people in whatever way possible

salaam, sayang.

much as i empathise with the plight, i wonder if language really works as a uniter of peoples. northern ireland and the middle-east are about as united as oil and water.

in a recent uk-based survey of diaspora chinese, it was found that the least country-loyal chinese were the indonesians, and the most loyal were, believe it or not, the malaysians.

film, i believe, is about humanity, not language. this is perhaps why, in days of old, chaplin's silent movies were popular in malaysia, and today, bollywood still draws in the audience. these were/are films about the human condition -- hope, despair, family values, love, and hate.

if cinema were meant to mirror humanity, then why can't malaysian cinema mirror the true state of our peoples? and isn't the true state of malaysian multi-lingual as well as multi-racial?

japan and china are just not as racially diverse as we are, so what's the point of comparing? and it is a well known fact that one of the reasons why multi-nationals often prefer to set up roots here over thailand, for exampe, is because our people are still able to understand some degree of english.

i'm as romantic as the next person, but sometimes we just have to be practical to survive. i've conducted lectures in advertising in guangzhou, beijing and shanghai, and what i found was startling. chinese uni students are scrambling to learn the english language because it is the only way to compete with rest of the world today. the japanese often refer to england as "the land of the sinking sun", but one of their major regrets is their inability to communicate in english.

finally, i think the only languages important to us are arabic (in order that we may understand god's word), and english (in order that we may conduct business worldwide). national languages can't be that important if the holy book and the hadiths made no mention of them.

of course, all this will prompt some melayus out there to say that i tak sayang melayu. but to me, i sayang melayu much more than most for wanting us to catch up with the rest of the world.

please jangan salah faham. i'm not saying we should make films in english. i'm just saying we should make films about people, speaking in whatever language they naturally speak in. and in this country, we speak in malay, tamil, cantonese, hokkien, punjabi, iban, bidayu, etc, etc.

for example, kalau bahasa melayu is compulsorised in cinema, i can't make films which are totally in tamil, if i want to. and why shouldn't i be allowed to do that? mukhsin was my first film that was almost totally in malay. it was also my biggest box office earner so far, with people of all races going into the cinemas to see our little film.

with my films, i hope to accord the malays a glimpse into chinese and indian lives, and vice versa. so that we can learn more about each other, despite the social and political forces that frequently try to separate us.

may allah guide me in my little struggle.

My passion to write

It has been so long.

A very long time. I can’t explain my absence. Why and when it all started. I jus don’t know frankly. My passion was always to write. I read a lot, I hope. I talk a lot, that I know. But writing has always been a passion of mine. I write the most randomness things and the silliest things, but at least it keeps me going and on my feet. You know I was lucky I had the opportunity to write during my A-levels. I took General Paper as a subject, although it’s not counted but I was thinking oh well why don’t I give it a go. It was scary at first thinking what might be coming out because it was such an exam that ranged from various topics. It’s not something I have studied or grilled over for but tits and tats of daily lives and how I see it. It was really interesting. I had to write three essays. Frankly, it wasn’t my best three essays, but it was my second best. I remembered how I wrote for so long, and it was really rewarding. Not because I totally drained my brain from all the knowledge that I kept, but it was so exceptionally lifting that I could just write without worrying whether I was within the topic or I was ticking off that the marker whom wouldn’t be happy with some unwarranted sentences and witty quotes.

Yes I am sarcastic. That I have always known. But I sometimes wonder whether it is because of my lack of insecurity and low self-esteem or is it because of my level of confidence and my high self-esteem. I still am not sure on that yet, but that discussion shall be left for another day of writing. Right now, passion to write is all I can think off.

I don’t know how I just left my blogging sphere totally unblogged for a very long time. It was an annoying long time but I just didn’t know why. It was always at the back of my mind that I should have blogged about this topic and that topic and so forth. But maybe due to lack of time, I never could carry out my intentions successfully. Another weakness of mine. I am strong minded. Stronger then many of my companions, and that I know for a fact. But I often linger a lot on it, and then it fades away. Yes, people. That’s the ironicity of it all. I wish to write, I long to write but I never get down to writing. You know, when I watch some classic romance movie I would think that I will write like that someday but only on paper. Then I would think its going to be such a waste of paper, due to the many mistakes that I constantly do. Grammar, verbs, adjectives etc.

When I think of writing, I question myself. Is it for self satisfaction? Or is it to satisfy myself knowing that others will read it? Frankly, I don’t know. And maybe those kind of questions will never be answered. Or probably it would, but I just don’t know when. Some I know write it for the glamour, and yet some write it out of emotions. I can never be the judge of which writing would then be better, but there is one thing that I can judge is that as long as there is passion to write, it will be beautiful. I don’t know if I can pen down a story so imaginative or whether I can write a script so awakening. But it may be so that what I write may at least change peoples’ perspective of it someday. I do not demand any changes in perspective. But at least they would be able to see it from my view. And that’s all hat counts.

Yesterday, I watched Yasmin Ahmas’d movie ‘Talentime’. This is to be for my next blogs topic. It was such a fantastic movie. Its so pure and simple yet so gripping. They Malay dude,God, when he cried(so endearing). Mahesh put alot of work in it. Its not easy playing a deaf and dumb role. But he pulled it off well.But I wanted to say something is that people who are far sighted and who are well read and who are brilliant read a lot of poems. I know well and good that dear Yasmin Ahmad reads a lot of poems and her many favourites were the great Rabridanath Tagore’s book. I wish I too could read poems and understand the emotions that are well layered. But really, it puts me to sleep. The days when I use to read my school literature books, I sue to dread the sight of it. Not because I couldn’t understand it, but because I couldn’t revel in it. But I guess, I have to change. And after watching a few great people and learning their sources of inspirations, I too now feel that I want to start reading poems and reading books that makes you think be inspired by. It may sound a little far fetched, okay very far fetched but at least I would like to try it out. I have a friend, and I shall not mention the people’s name. The person is one very positive and sunshiny person. I really don’t know whether it’s because the person is hiding a deep pain or is just born that way. However, the person writes lot’s of poems. I was never given the chance to read any of it, but it got me thinking, “that person must be really brilliant”. This is because, to be able to pen down an emotions or thought that lingers at that very moment on a piece of paper is something not many can do successfully. It may not mean so much, it may not win the Bookers Prize, but for some it changes their lives. And that I believe can never be judged and awarded.

They always say the pen is mightier then the sword. I always thought that was a fake quote. Some random person must have put it in there to give credit to people who were able to read and write and were coward to fight rather then those who took up their sword with a firm fist. But now, as I grow over time, I do notice that the pen is mightier then the sword. It may not be the strongest item, it may not also be an everlasting item (ink running out), but what it states makes a difference to anyone who reads it. It places you in place you can’t dream of and it guides to roads untaken. What better way is there then to write? That’s why I feel really bad that my passion to write was momentarily stopped.

I do hope from now on that I will be able to write like I used too. Continues.

Monday, March 16, 2009

A goos letter by George Collins

Isn't it amazing that George Carlin - comedian of the 70's and 80's - could write something so very eloquent...and so very appropriate.
A Message by George Carlin:

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways , but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.

We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things.

We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete...

Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.

Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.

Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.

Remember, to say, 'I love you' to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.

Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

George Carlin

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Refer to Mr. Afdlin Shauki's blog at SELAMBAKODOK's HOUSE

my point of view...

Dear Mr.Afdlin Shauki,

I applaud your write up on this issue and I would whole heartedly agree with you on it all. But, may I, if you would to allow, add few things.

1. Dont look so far. Look at Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia(I believe either Malaysia'a arch enemy or best friend), and Philipines. We cant even compete with any of these countries films. They too do it at small scale and budget and yada yada like you explained, but their content, the depth of the film is far more richer then three Malaysian films combined together. You agree with me, others agree with me and so does myself.

2.If you want Malaysians to watch your films and be all "One Language, One Unity" then start by portraying a Malaysian film. Not a Malay-sian film. I am Malaysian Muslim. But I dont want to watch a movie that goes on about the malay culture, speak the malay language, have malay actors and directors and film crews and food supliers and musicians blah blah blah. Dont compare yourself with Hollywood as they embrace difference. You cant use China and India and all as there, culture diversity is a thing of probabaly the future(if at all they get to integrate India and China together to get loads of Chindians). One thing for sure, apart from Yasmin Ahmad movies and some indie movies I cant seem to see where your 'budaya Malaysia' captured anywhere. Until and unless you can do that, and yet you do not have any Malaysians watching your film, then you complain it makes sense.

3.If I am right, the local Malaysian movies have terrible audio system, camera angles, stupid scripts that makes no sense from head to toe, actors and actress that are as stiff as wood let alone act. The so-called movies constantly looked as if its a documentary because either you use a very low definition of camera or you use a handy-cam. Make up is bad, man dont even put make up and their oily faces and eye bags are a turn off. Ladies clothes makes no sense to the environment and their styles are abysmal. Example of a good movie, look at Khabir Bhatia's movie 'Sepi' and 'Cinta', you looked good. You're a great actor, no doubt about it. You were in his film Mr. Afdlin. Learn from him. Look at his angles, look how he pulls the audience into his shows. The story line, the actions of the actors and actress, the scripts were off the charts and can you belive how many people cried watching the movie. I know you're more off the making people laugh in their seats, but frankly the jokes in Malay-sian movies are so kampung. We cant relate to daily lifes and most of it are so bad, you wish the electricity just shuts down automatically.

4. Malay-sian movies are mainly malays. Wow, talk about celebrating diveristy. Talk about "Malaysia, Truly Asia". Satu pun tak kena. I am not going to watch something that is obviously racist in the sense of cast yet they insist we should support them. Look at Yasmin Ahmad's film. See how she mixes people. Her budgets, if I am right are always small and are rarely backed by the government, FINAS as you call it. Yet they receive standing ovations overseas and are loved by all Malaysians. These are the movies we are interested in. All genre's of movies in Malaysia makes no sense. Be it comedy, horror, thriller, sad, romance. I dont know. At least if Malaysian films focus on one kinda movie genre that might help, but then that would be like restricting creativity.

5. The government, or FINAS constantly cut this and that thinking they know better about the movies we should watch and should not. Like you said, piracy. Like hello, theres still piracy. People can still get the movies from there. FINAS or whoever constantly red tapes here and there until the very essence of the movie is no longer there and its just a waste of peoples money to watch it. And the poeple in the industry doesnt want to allow new styles of movies, refreshing idea, vibrant youth mind, diverse culture. Theres no challenge in Malaysian movies. The one that was shown yesterday is as bad as the one after, maybe even worst. No competition, its just monotonous. Why do you think the local theatres and indie scenes are getting better and receiving more interest then ever before. Its because there, they see a brighter future, they are given a chance to perform. There its not about Malay-sian.There is about Malaysian.

6.The entertainment industry badly needs a good marketing mananger. Dont talk about finance. With proper handling of the money, good relations with the people in charge and some good drama, anything can do. Do you think the whole SEA entertainment industry have good marketing industry? Do you think Indon has a good marketing industry? Actually, we support them more then we support here. You know why? They're acting is better. They're movies have more sense. They're actors and actressess are good looking and pretty not like the one's here. And there you have big companies willing to support them. Why? Because they know the movies is good and worth the investment. Here, aha! Like I said, this one is bad, the next might be same or even worst. And one things for sure, your marketing people are not maarketing people. They dont think out of the box. So rigid and so closed minded, they're not creative and thrifty. They spend on unmarketable prodcuts.

For now, this is all I can think. But seriously Mr.Afdlin, if you want the Malaysians to support you, you need to have a Malaysian movie made. You need to have better emotions being played on the show. People always wants to see movies because of emotions, adn if the actors are as stiff as a stick, whats the point? And think out of the box for your movies. Dont be all comedy gila and love stories that are 'untouchables'(sentuh tu haram la blah blah blah) with similar story line during P.Ramlee's time.Make a change. Fight against those who make this a norm. Change for Malaysians and change will definitely come for you.

Kalau ada tersilap kata, saya menghumpun sepuluh jari minta maaf ye.Sorry

By the way, Happy New Year.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009



Mix Malaysians

I actually found out that my friend knows this guy Mahesh Jugal Kishore. And he was of course talking about him over and over or atleast going on about how that guy is not that fantastic. I have nothing to say about him. For now, I find him neutral to me. He is an actor in the upcoming movie of the talented Yasmin Ahmad titled 'Talentime'. He's like some important role in the whole show. I dont know much about acting but his acting in the Petronas Deepavali advertisemnt was barely acting-able. I havent acted before and all but still I know about acting and I certaily belief he does not know how to act. But thats of course of a mere 35 second role in the advertisemnt. So to judge him just on that is not right. I of course thing that everyone has their way of acting and its in that simplicity is how Ms.Yasmin preferred it to be. I have to say, Yasmin Ahmad's movies always gets critiqued. Be it good or bad, but it Malaysia the "critics" who are the official critics always talks bad about her shows how the angle is bad and the story line makes no sense, the cast are filled with back actors, its this and that. But apparently, when its critiqued overseas it gets good reviews. And shes always well praised about how simple and virgin her movies are. What I cant understand is why can her talent not be appreciated well enough here? Its sad really. The younger generation want so much to accept her interacial stories and smart stories. In all, we do really love all her movies and we find it so educational and beautifully scripted. Yet you have the undaunted few who still refuse to move on their colonial perception that Malaysia should remain separate or Malay-asia and that no matter what it should remain one and another. It tears the heart of the many innocents who wish to see a brighter future. Actually, I still dont understand why this should happen. Ok I am dropping this topic for now.

I want to be in her movies I cant seem how to do so. Some say there are auditions, some say not due to the lack of funds available to do so. I dont know. Actually, I want to act in local films. But the problem is they are so Malay that it makes it look so fake. Like as if all Indians here are jokers and all chinese are to be sluts. It doesnt make sense. And it seems having a role as a mix person is hard. I dont know. Every movie like takes only malay, malay, malay. But of course, there is no such thing as a Malay. I do of course see role like non malays hold and its barely important or fun or invokes anything. They are unlike America or Britain where you can see a healthy mix in the entertainment indstry. It just seems so hard in Malaysia. I hope the industry will be more open, and are willing to accept the beauty of our mix people in Malaysia and learn to accept it in Malaysia. I know Madam Yasmin Ahmad is doing it one step at a time by taking in a one all look first. Like an all chinese, an all Indian and sorts. But I hope there will be more directors like her who would push through for a more Malaysian movie. And that then they later will accept a more mix Malaysians.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

bored to write....

I am so tired and exhauted. I just got all the documents done today. Did grocery shopping. When for class. Before that when too the shop. Later after class when to the shop again. Then sold some stuffs then now back home. Sis is coming back tommorow. Cant wait to drop everything all on her. Haha. I am so evil. Forgive me.

But seriously its fun doing all this. Calvin is the same. But I think I guess his burden is abit more different. I mean all he do is work in his fathers shop. I on the other hand have like the shop to take care, things to sign and order, go for class, home groceries and freinds to update. But I love this life. I feel like I am of those Sex anbd the City girls. Powerfull and sexy all in one (although I find them menapaused). But I am not gay la.

Anyways, I have to talk to a friend.Bye

Thursday, January 15, 2009


No. Really. Its wow. I cant believe how freaking long it has been since I last came online. Last time I BLOG. This of course is my main source of solice and at the same time meeting wiht people who share the same thoughts and opinion and even if we dont at least it would be healthy way of debating it and learning something new. Forgive me for two thing:



I know whoever reads this would spit me and scream at me and tell me that I am so last year. But sadly I am. I just didnt have online connection. And I am so busy. Dont ask me what. That will be a whole another blog. But for now. I am just here to wish everyone a Happy New Year. I dont know whats in store. But slowly I am already feeling the pinch. Income. Love. Studies. Relationship.Israel.

I dont know whether to hate them. Or kill them. Either way, they're not in my heart.

Everyone, I AM BACK. Watch out!