Thursday, October 1, 2009

Settingi-tinggi tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jua....

This was hilarious.

Ok,maybe not SO hilarious(and I might be sinning here) but I did sly a giggle in the morning went I read the paper's yesterday.

"ANGRY EARTH"-Star Newspaper.

Pictures were pasted everywhere and articles on all sides of the pages went on about a tsunami cum earthquake cum disaster that took place in Indonesia on late wednesday evening of 30th September 2009. So the article was about how many poeple died and the search is still on, Malaysians students there who are trapped and so on. Today's newspaper was the continuation of it and how the Malaysian government is flying in the students back to Malaysia and so on.

Here come's the hilarious part. When I took one look at the newspaper article, it just occured to me-KARMA. There is nothing better in this world then karma. That's why advocate karma like a stonge believer. Or in pop language "what comes around goes around-Justin Timberlake". See the thing is, the Indonesians were so rough and tough on the issue that we Malaysians were stealing everything thats theirs and that we dont have anything to ourselves. As much as we have apologised, and although it was super duper clear that we were not the one's who stole their great Pendent Dance and proclaimed it ours(it was the works of Discovery Channel,which bytheway they have taken responsibility of and apologised), the Indonesians still wanted to wage war on us by and i quote "sea,land,air and in every possible manner".

While the world is still fiddling out itself from a great economic depression they seem to be wanting to cause a greater depression not on ourselves but them. History has shown many times,that we are better then them in many many ways and it will continue to do so. They were called a developing economy recently and were to be expected to join the likes of India,China and Brazil. But I guess when you do bad, you get back bad-karma ladies and gentleman.

There was so much of feud going on between us on issues of food, and culture and dance and language, songs and clothes, maids and marriage. And now even more recent,even after their Defence Minister has said there will be no such thing as war, I like to know then why is it then that yesterday in the Star there was an article that said their current Prime Minister Susilo Bambang told the whole country to wear Batik as their formall apprell everywhere they go and its now a must in their government sector to do so as, and i quote "to show the world where batik comes from". So tell me, why is then their own Prime Minister is saying this? Why do I feel like by the Prime Minister saying it he is in someway hinting that Malaysia has stolen their clothing heritage? Everyone who knows basic history would know this clothing style comes from Middle East, India and China and over time has been worn only by the royals and rich. We were the first country in the world to say thats its ours and we were the one's who made sure it became a formal wear for everyone across the country since I think 1957. Our style of batik is unique on our own and it has no what-so-ever resemblance to the Indonesian batik. Is that our fault then?

And where is the stand of our well beloved and respected Prime Minister in replying to all of this crap? Since when has Malaysians ever sat back and let other nations say things about us?

Freedom of speech is a must my fellow Malaysians,yet what must be straigtened out must be done so and what truth in everything must be let out. If not things will just go out of hand and it mught just become too late.

Now even Singapore claims most of our food is theirs. Well I am not going to say anything about that but the very fact that Singapore is a country with excellent branding skills and they are able to proclaim things well says alot. Malaysia on the other hand is lacking behind.

Why are there no one in the field of branding not doing anything? Its not all about money ladies and gentleman. Do it for the country. There was no justice and right even in America until the Civil War and how hard the black had to proof their rights in the country to. So do the same and dont just say levae it to the majority to do everything as I beieve it is the minority people who has greater creativity compared to the majority. I wish Singapore will not proclaim anything more. A city so small couldnt and can never have such rich culture and heritage when everyone there are nothing but were immigrants. They were once Malayans too. If anything they came out of this country and became their own and had reached success in their own manner. But other then Singapore Bihun and Chilli Crab,nothing is thiers. Are they going to next proclaim Nasi Lemak is theirs?

Back to the Indonesians. Since they wanted to wage war with Malaysia so much, and eventhough our apologises has gone on deaf ears and our written sorry's have gone on blind eyes, it looks like God has waged war upon them. I guess the tremors and earthquakes took place at the right time. I know it may be far fetched to say it,but to me its true. We had said our due's on this issue, we even told the Malaysians there to discuss the issue like grown ups. But no, they wanted war. They claimed if it isnt because of the Indonesians we would have not gotten to where we are in terms of construction. Yes, I have to agree on that. If it isnt because of them, we wouldnt be able to have KLCC and wonderful homes to live in. But they have to know,its not like we were asking them to built it for free. Neither did we pay them pittence as salaries. Most of them went back millionaires in their villages and came back wanting more. Alot of them left the destitute of a country wanting better life's here and we gave it to them. So please tell me how can they say we were being thiefs?

When their country was hit with the tsunami so powerful that it destroyed nearly the whole of Acheh in 2006, we practically built it up from ground and above again for them like it was some simple Lego toy. The amount of money donated there by the private sectors ,NGO's, corporates and the Malaysian government donated even more. Malaysians were donating so much for all the places in their country that was destroyed. Even Yogyakarta. And Mercy Malaysia was the first team that arrived there helping in everyway they could form food to water ,medication, psychology help. Their own people barely did anything.

And yet this is the kind of things we get from them?Being grateful is one of the greatest compassion a human can have, and its the one thing I think lacks in the Indonesians.

If it is anything at all, it is them to blamed for many criminal records and diseases in this country and thats a FACT. If it is anything at all, it is them why this country is having many terrorist, and thats a FACT. If it is anything at all, it is them to be blamed for any war that is to come, and that is a FACT.

I have no interest in waging war in any country, and I know all Malaysians feel the same. We are one ASEAN. In one way or another, we are interwined somewhat, not in any "serumpun" manner or whatever the Malays like to say, but just by language and some cultural practices. But it is not right for any party to claim whats righfully theirs when its rightfully wrong. Until and unless, they have solid evidence to proof it, then take the case to the court. Belting out in public embaresses nations and it is not healthy in any manner as both depend on each other alot.

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