23 Nov 2009 would now be officially ADAM LAMBERT day. Its not AMA 2009.
Reason because he did such a controversy in his performance for his song "For Your Entertinment". He dragged a lady by her ankle and had a mans face rub his crotch and the finale- HE KISSED A GUY.
I just watched his performance on CNN.I couldnt find any on You Tube. I was shocked by what he did, but I didnt feel any hatred towards him. I think what he did was alright. I read the whole statements about him. People were saying he shouldnt have done it,some were saying its ok. I think its either a love it or hate it show.
Adam Lambert is a performer. He has to make shows thats makes you go "WOW!". Thats a performer. When Lady Gaga wears like a see through skin coloured top and dance, its ok. When she plays the piano with fire around her and breaking beer bottles on it, thats ok. Lady Gaga kisses girls in most of her videos,thats ok. When Rihanna performed with guns pointed at her, that was ok too. And if anyone can remember,allow me, remember years ago at the VMA's? Madonna,Britney and Chrisitina had a threesome kissing on the stage. That created quite a stir but it got calmed after awhile. Then you had the Janet blooper. Next,Katy Perry came out with a song titled "I kissed a Girl" which also made such a haloo-baloo. But everyone just thought it was all A-OK.
I hate it when people practice double standards on this kind of issues. Why be so insensitive and so unfair to him? Just because his GAY and he showed it? People said " How can he do that?There are children watching". I loved his answer. "I'm a performer not a baby sitter". True, you have a choice to switch off the channel or tuning it into another. So why complaint? That guy is definitely the next big thing to watch for. After so long, I think a male has just won back the title for being the next big thing. I think he's future just got brighter.
ok la tu.. i like adam lambert, tp sebab he went gay so ok la i go lesbo lah. hee.
haha...u go lesbo...dia x marah kah nanti?
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