Saturday, October 24, 2009

Beyonce "Postpone's" Concert in Malaysia

Yes, I know.

She's not coming.

Due to the artiste sole reason.

I have no idea what is going on in this country. I am so fed up of so man things and this has just topped it all. Honestly,if the PAS people does not want to watch, the dont go. Its not a free show or something arangged by the government for the people. But it is a private show, where people pay so much to be entertained by the current greatest artiste on earth(after Michael Jackson).

The way the Malaysian's insult her is being so ignorant to their surroundings and very hurtful to any successful artist from anywhere around the globe. Honestly, everytime a female artist is suppose to come to Malaysia this narrow minded people come in and make a havoc and claim this is for the people. And what is unbelievable is that the government bows down to this culprits. How can it be so? I wonder who then is running the government.

Its not like as if after watching this people's performance everyone will go into a crime craze,or sex craze or a high. People are paying huge sums of money to be entertained. Not to wacth a glum show. The days of those kind of concerts have long passed and so should this people go along with them. Its not right to allow other people from having the free will to watch what they would like to watch on the basis just one religion. It doesnt mean by watching Beyonce and the likes perform will now make ALL MUSLIMS turn against the religion or start murtad-ing.

I find that its those who dont watch have the shallowest and puniest faith of the religion and of its people who professess the religion. The best thing is that the people who are demanding this shows to be put down are the uneducated bafoons without any proper education background and the one's who are following them like donkey with a carrot attached are the 'educated' one's who runs the department that deals with allowing foreign performance. Will they also try stoping any non-muslims entering the country form now on since they would also(in the minds of those narrow minded people) shaken the MALAYS faith?

Its only a matter of time before nobody comes into this country anymore and we will be lacking behind our competitiors,namely being Singapore who is dealing excellently in bringing foreign acts.

It is a shame.

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