Sunday, December 21, 2008

Let's FIGHT!

So now the latest hustle and bustle in Racial Town, Malaysia is that whether vernacular schools should exist or not. May I part my point of view on this issue?

Firstly, after 51 years of independence I sincerely do not think anymore vernacular schools should exist. If anything at all, maybe one or two vernacular schools of all races should exist. The end. Period. I don’t understand why are the Chinese still fighting so much on this issue. On one side they want a Bangsa Malaysia but on the other they are fighting for their cultural and history rights. Listen here, if the one’s in America, Australia and UK can move on and associate themselves to the locals there why then are the Chinese and Indians in Malaysia are so stubborn to do it. Why? Their ancestors moved from their origins to Malaysia for a brighter future and I would claim as much that yes they have had a brighter future and will continue to do so. But lets stop looking for a one mighty race supremacy. Lets move on from that and make it all equals.

Now I know the Malays haven’t done much to prove their letting go so why should the others. I would agree as much. Therefore, the Malays too have to let go off things and move on. Why are we still on the issue of NEP’s continuance? I was never the child of this benefit , neither was my parents. Most who benefit all this were from Johor, Pahang and other agriculture states and mind you that these states are not as strong as those where NEP is not in function. So its really sad to see that it did nothing for the people. As far as I knew by constitution, the black and white of the NEP was for all people, of all colours and religions. But it has evolved so much that it has now become only for the Malays and even so it did not bring anyone much far. Of a 100%, probably only 20% attained any success from it. So why then has this NEP thing being prolonged for so long. Behind the curtain, I really have no idea who is minting all the money but certainly someone is. Or a few. Coming from the new generation of citizens of this country, more and more are wanting to let go of the NEP. Most of the educated one’s one equal rights and freedom of speech. I don’t see the reason why the government should deprive other races from obtaining whatever they deemed fit to obtain. Wasn’t it because of a joined effort that’s how we obtained our Independence in the first place? Rather then going forward, the mentality that is being thought to the younger generations is to go back in time. Seriously, what is so mighty about the Malays? Are we God? Do we hold some kind of supernatural powers that defers us from the others? What is so special about the Malays, I want to know! Frankly, if anything through history everyone knows South East Asia is mainly popular because of the Straits of Malacca. But even then it was mainly conquered by the Thai’s and Indonesians. So how then are we so supreme? Ok, Malacca was powerful but if anything it was started off by an Indonesia runaway. And his generations continued to prosper here. So what is so great about the Malays?

Malays, for me, does not have a definition. How can you define Malay? He is Muslim? That isn’t fair. How can all Malays are Muslim but not all Muslims are Malays? No Malay in Malaysia is pure, somewhere somehow they are definitely a mix, either with Arab, Indian, Chinese, Siamese, Indonesian (mainly) and from Europe. So how do you define Malay then? Shouldn’t we stop procrastinating and focus on something more beneficial for the country? Rather then special rights enshrined in the Constitution shouldn’t we focus on opportunities for all and greater racial integration. But firstly, if there’s separation on the issue of education language then how is there to be independence?

Many claim and scream at the top of their lungs, you don’t need to conform to one language to reach unity. Seriously, I think they need to rethink that statement over. If we can’t come to a stage to speak one language properly then how are we going to interact to one another? With sign language? Wouldn’t that too mean conforming to a type of communication? Listen people. To reach unity, one particular language should remain supremacy. At the same time, the right to learn other language shall not be infringed but it should be put to the point that that shall remain a choice for the people and that it is not to be put in General Education. If they think China’s going to rule the world, why then are many Chinese from China are gearing up in full barrels to learn English? I don’t see what’s wrong in learning the Malay language. If you talk about vernacular schools, everyone knows that it means learning the subjects all in the one particular races of language. That would be not fair and that would be so racist. Don’t you think studying either in English or Malay is better? Neither does it feel racist or supreme of anything. Just like if you were in Spain and there are Chinese there you definitely will have to study the subjects in Spanish, no qualms about it. Why here then?

Today in Straits and Sun there was a whole section just devoted on this issue. I’ll leave the government to decide, but at the end I do hope they see the education benefit of it and not for cultural and language supremacy reasons. For the same reason, this whole issue is for the benefit of the future generation and race issue beign brought up ever so often its like fighting with our own selves.

Either way, my children can be home schooled by me since I will teach them in Malayalam.

1 comment:

Prash said...

eda monay dineshah ! hgahahahaha I know I have to see new malayalam movies !