Tuesday, October 14, 2008

H-Factor Youth Creative Workshop

I think the picture says it all. I went for this workshop in the chic G Hotel in Penang last Sunday, 12 October 2008. It was a good thing I went. I saw the cute Hans Isaac(now now ladies, he says he is seeing someone currently,so..), the funny Harith Iskandar who entertained with all his funny jokes, Serena C and Pietro Felix(who is a Penang born) from Mix fm who heated up the place and of course the one and only Hannah Tan. The person, who without her none of this would have taken place. And we had David Lai, a very good mentalis cum magician who likes to show "something" to people, a dancer(dont know his name) and Remmy from the music group Innuendo.

So this people were all there to tell about their lives and how is it possible for the youths who wish to join the industry on what they can do. May I say it was one helluva healthy workshop that not only showed us the life's and tales of these people but also mainly not to get discouraged with our dreams and ambitions, whatever it may be. There are many ways to enter it, I do not wish to write it down here on the reason why I have no idea. It was an awesome day lah. The food they provided were finger food, it wasnt even good. I expected something good, but I guess with $3 bux it will do. There were alot of people there, I met some friends of mine there and made new friends.It was a good day. I am now much enlightened by the whole concept of the industry. I now know, what should I do and where should I go. Whethere I am interested in this line or not, is not something I wish to write here. I will leave it as a mystery. Sorry guys, somethings I guess are suppose to be left unsaid.

Meanwhile, I drove back to the Penang Jetty with a taxi. Watch out for the next blog for this story!

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