Friday, October 31, 2008


Its HALLOWEEN. Rightfully, I should be out partying with my friends or trick-a-treating with some people on this night. Sadly, Malaysians are such dull people. They have no idea how to have fun. Or even if they do, they do not want to recruit new members into that group. Silly of them!

Here I am stuck in this ghostly and magical night at home doing nothing but busily blogging here. Gosh! Life sure has its twists. I had this whole planning thing last week thinking I would be going out or chilling with some buddies, but no one seems to be interested an no one seems to be talking about it, so I didnt venture further on whether they would want to go, so I left it. People, dont give me reasons now.

Crappy thing is, my mobile has 'kaput'. I am now reachless to most of my friends ecxepts the one's on the internet. But that too, not like there are many. I am bored now. I sat eating Big Apple Donuts which I bought yesterday watching Stomp The Yard. And the stupid thing is I feel fat now. Damn. No dinner tommorow then.

I still feel like taking the car and go buzzing out now. But with whom? And where too?...

Malaysia I tell you.....

Not my style of coming of AGE

I have no idea what title I should put for this post. I have read so many posts of this similar genre recently. So I decided, I too am going to chip in. It seems people are now talking about 'the coming of age'. What is it? To me I find it as something where you reach a certain sense of maturity that you can really be yourself without doubting yourself and that you are independent enough that you dont have to rely on anyone for anything. Frankly, I think its impossible at any cause. People constantly need others help and maturity is such a subjective word that expends far and beyond.

I am 19. Most blog's I read are about the same age or in the 20's. Prash and another guy are the ones that are well above 30. When I read their blogs, I get to know them better. Their point of views in life, how they see it and the way they project it. Every person by age seems to have a different point of view. I guess the younger you are, the carefree is your mind. To me personally, I still find the topic of Sex, Religion & Race and Politics a topic that I do not intend to go unless needed. The thing is, not because I am 19 I see myself as not needing to contribute to this kind of conversations, but I find if I can use my mind to think of somethig else then such serious topics rather then something more breezy and mellow, it would be more appropriate. However, I do find the whole SRRP should very much be discussed by the younger generation so that our minds are more open and we do not repeat past mistakes.But I somehow find it to abressive. When I read my friends blogs or even talk to them, sometimes I do find that they are so far sighted or far fetched that I find myself grasping for that teeniest breath of air trying to understand what are they projecting. Mostly the hasle of doing so beats me up fast, I rather not get myself to understand then to just merely nod my head. Of course it doesnt mean I dont understand what they say, I do. But sometimes I guess, eg.Prash, his blogs are quite mature and very heavy with facts. But I guess, his sense of maturing is like that.

To me I cant find a word to describe myself. I do not want to limit myself to a few words. I am by no means a man of few words, so goes my character. At 19, although above the 18 bar, I still find myself with the face of a 17, the mind of a 16 and the maturity of a 15. I have no idea why I find myself in this position, but I dont see myself as peculiar. I see myself as unique. Now, acquaitance tells me that I act like a kid and I do things childishly and that I am a mommy's boy. By right, any boy should be bruised by those words. But I find it rather appaling and nothing for me to feel hurt by. If I do not act stupidly and childishly now, then when can I? In the near future I will be judged like an adult. Might as well enjoy the young age now and dont regret it. I rather think and act like a kid then carry the burden of an adult so young. The burden of bills and responsibilties and sense of doing something without mistakes are just not me, yet.I have had many people thinking I was 17 or 16. They always think I am young. At some point I get quite upset and annoyed because then I am never taken seriously. But of course, they all take a step backward when I open my mouth. Actually, being noticed as 17,16 or 15 has been nothing but a pleasure at 19. I am still passed as a kid, I get the bigger pie of money during festival times, I pay student price for most things(restaurants, theme parks, and entries to certain places). I get away with alot of things easier. For most of my friends and my elder sister and my cousins, its a no-no. None of them look that young I guess. Even my cousin who are younger then me.

So you see, the whole coming of age syndrome does not affect me least bit. I am not bothered by it because it does not bother me. Heck, I am happy because its making me feel more positive as I enjoy alot more of things and get away with many easily. I know at some point I have to step back, look at myslelf in the mirror and say " Diran, its time to change".

But for now, I think thats not necessary. I really dont give two flying fucks to anyone who tells me that I am childish or naive or innocent or some shallow minded person. The fact is, I rather be labelled that now, then later. And plus, I always believe it takes one to know another. My bloging partners and friends can go all night long or as the saying goes 'till the cows go home' about this thing. I belive my coming of age has yet to come, and unlike others:

I hope it comes later then sooner......

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


To all my Indian friends who are celebrating Diwali/Deepavalli across the globe

I would like to wish you and your family






Monday, October 27, 2008


To all my Muslim friends across the globe

I would like to wish you and your family






Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ne Me Quitte Pas

Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas
Il faut oublier
Tout peut s'oublier
Qui s'enfuit déjà
Oublier le temps
Des malentendus
Et le temps perdu
A savoir comment
Oublier ces heures
Qui tuaient parfois
A coups de pourquoi
Le coeur du bonheur

Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas

Moi je t'offrirai
Des perles de pluie
Venues de pays
Oÿ il ne pleut pas
Je creuserai la terre
Jusqu'après ma mort
Pour couvrir ton corps
D'or et de lumière
Je ferai un domaine
Oÿ l'amour sera roi
Oÿ l'amour sera loi
Oÿ tu seras reine

Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas
Je t'inventerai
Des mots insensés
Que tu comprendras
Je te parlerai
De ces amants-là
Qui ont vu deux fois
Leurs coeurs s'embraser
Je te raconterai
L'histoire de ce roi
Mort de n'avoir pas
Pu te rencontrer

Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas

On a vu souvent
Rejaillir le feu
De l'ancien volcan
Qu'on croyait trop vieux
Il est paraät-il
Des terres brulées
Donnant plus de blé
Qu'un meilleur avril
Et quand vient le soir
Pour qu'un ciel flamboie
Le rouge et le noir
Ne s'épousent-ils pas

Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas
Je ne vais plus pleurer
Je ne vais plus parler
Je me cacherai là
A te regarder
Danser et sourire
Et à t'écouter
Chanter et puis rire
Laisse-moi devenir
L'ombre de ton ombre
L'ombre de ta main
L'ombre de ton chien

Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas

:: :: ::

Don't leave me

Don't leave me
We must forget
All we can forget all we did till now
Let's forget the cost of the breath
We've spent saying words unmeant
And the times we've lost hours that must destroy
Never knowing why everything must die at the heart of joy
Don't leave me don't leave me
Don't leave me don't leave me

I'll bring back to you the pearls of rain
From a distant domain where rain never fell
And though I grow old I'll keep mining the ground
To deck you around in gold and light
I'll build you a domain where love's everything
Where love is king and you are queen
Don't leave me don't leave me
Don't leave me don't leave me

Don't leave me
For you I'll invent
Words and what they meant only you will know
Tales of lovers who fell apart and then fell in love again
There's a story too that I can confide
Of that king who died from not meeting you
Don't leave me don't leave me
Don't leave me don't leave me

And often it's true that flames spill anew
From ancient volcano's we thought were too old
When all's said and done scorched fields of defeat
Could give us more wheat than the fine April sun
And when evening is nigh with flames overhead
The black and the red aren't they joined in the sky

Don't leave me don't leave me
Don't leave me don't leave me

Don't leave me
I will cry no more
I will talk no more hide myself
To look at you and see you dance and smile
And hear you sing and laugh
Let me be for you the shadow of your shadow
The shadow of your hand the shadow of your dog
Don't leave me don't leave me
Don't leave me don't leave me

One of the most beautiful songs ever written. I have never heard a song so enduring and so loving. The original singer if I am not mistaken is Jacques Brail or something. I didnt like the way he sang it. Its when Nina Simone sang it that gave me shivers running down my back. The emotions that she put it, the way she sang it, Dear Lord. I nearly teared. The 'penombere' part was really beautiful. An ode to gifted songs...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Malaysian Political Oscars

Our political situation is like something out of a movie-so here are the awards. The envelope please.

The Wide Angle Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, headquarters for no particular reason in Skudai, presents this year's Malaysian Political Oscars.

The most widely watched televison event in Malaysia, the Poltical Oscar telecast reaches over 1 billion viewers, some who are dead, some of whom are 130 years okd, and most of whom are registered at the same address.

How does it work? Memebers of the academy (all Malaysian taxi drivers who depite being allegedly the worst in the world at driving taxis are remarkably good at political analysis) vote on these awards, and the results are tabulated by the auditors of some large accounting firm who would rather do this sort of thing tan real accounting work, which might explain the state of the economy.

Here are the nominees and winners.

Best Supporting Actor

It is a crowded field this year, with many stellars performances from both veterans and newcomers.

The nominees include private investigator, P. Balasubramaniam in Missing; Pusrawi's Dr. Mohd Osman in Rear Window; Zaid Ibrahim in Gone in Sixty Seconds; and Raja Petra Kamaruddin in An Inconvenient Truth.

But the Best Supporting Actor goes to Penang UMNO leader Ahmad Ismail for his controversial performance in Pride and Prejudice.

Despite his recent success, which led to him being cast in Under Seige and Raging Bull, Ahmad has flatly refused roles in the films Anger Management and Atonement.

Best Supproting Actress

For her critically-acclaimed performance in Minority Report, this year's Best Supporting Actress Oscar goes to Sinchew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng.

Interestingly, immediately after that film completed principal photography, Tan was the unwitting start of Catch and Release,a film that may or may not have been directed by Syed Halmid Albar, depending on which version of the studio press kit you read.

Tan spent just 18 hours on location, before qutting, citing creative differences.

Best Cinematography

For his impectful camera work in V.K. Lingam vehicle The Conversation, the Oscar for Cinematography goes to Gwo Loh Burne.

(Although The Conversation was shot some time ago, due to his refusal to be credited for many months, Gwo Loh Burne could not be given the award earlier. When he finally came forward, this legal thriller was re-released in the market as The Bourne Identity).

The Conversation beat out Entrapment, starring Chua Soi Lek, which also features an anonymous cinematographer.

Best Foreign-Language Film

Agricultural Study Tour, a Taiwanese sleeper hit, was shot entirely by coincidence, supposedly with no director and no funding.

Nonetheless, a sequal, Exile on My Taiwanese Farm: Peeling my Taugeh might be filmed next year with some of the original cast.

Best Original Screenplay

Jumper, written by Anwar Ibrahim, wins this year's award. Although the fil suffers from cast of unknowns, whose number seems to fluctuate from scene to scene(though always at least 31), the scrpt is undeniably original and exciting. It also has the potential for numerous sequals, which will prove profitable for the actors.

Best Adapted Screenplay

Written by a team of in-house screenwritters from the Attorney-General's Studios, The Accused, staring Anwar Ibrahim, is allegedly adapted from instructions given by political superiors. A remake of the 1998 flop, but with many of the same actors and production team.

Best Actress

Seputeh Member of Parliament Teresa Kok was competing against herself this year with sterling performance in a slew of releases: Election; Women on Top; Supergirl; and in cinemas until last Friday, the black comedy Enemy of the State.

She wins the Best Actress Oscar, however, for her most famous role, Miss Congeniality, whihc has earned her praises from audiences and critics alike.

Best Actor

The big stars of yesteryear dominated the Best Actor category this year.

Nominees include S.Samy Vellu in Gone With The Wind; Dr.Mahathir Mohamad in V for Vendetta; and both Najib Tun Razak and Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in the comdey Trading Places.

The winner, however, of the Malaysian Political Oscar for Best Actor is Abdullah Ahmad Badawi for his flawless, nuanced, maasterful performance in Eyes Wide Shut.

Best Picture

The nominees for Best Picture in Malaysian Political Oscars are all gripping epics.

They include the moving story of the many members of Parti Sosialis Malaysia, The Magnificent Seven; Khairy Jamaluddin biopic Million Dolar Baby; the Hindraf saga, Out of Justice; and the tale of Gerakan in Barisan Nasional, The End of the Affair.

The winner for Best Picture, however, is the story of the MCA's struggle against the Internal Security Act, Look Who's Talking Now.

Lifetime Achievement Award

For his astonishing film career spanning many decades, and including both commercial
hits and small but critically-acclaimed art-house movies, Anwar Ibrahim wins the Lifetime Achievement Award.

His roles, in choronological order, include: Wild at Heart; The Young Guns; The Great Debater's; Sleeping With The Enemy; The Insider; The Sweet Smell of Success; Reversal of Fortune; Cast Away; The Accused; The Cell; Cry Freedom!; Into The Wild; Back to the Future; Mission: Impossible; The Perfect Storm; and most recently. Eastern Promises.

Depending on the outcome of contract negotiations, Anwar's next movies may include The King and I; Top Gun; and Great Expectations.

Alternatively, he may take roles in Crash; The Departed; and The Forgotten. That's the thing about show business-you never know what the big stars will do next!

That's al for this year's edition of the Malaysian Political Oscars folks. See you on the red carpet next year!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Day in a Taxi in Penang

Diran: I need to go to the Penang Jetty.

Taxi: Hanya RM15

Diran: Apa(What)??RM15??

Taxi: What to do brudda, semua(all) went up in price.

Diran: OK!

-taxi man knocks the car a few times(probably for luck so that I will reach there safely)and then gets in the car and slams the door-

Taxi: You coming from Butterwoth ah brudda? Wah, so far.

Diran: Yes. OK la.

Taxi: You come what for?

Diran: Got something la.

Taxi: Owh.

Diran: Uncle, are you ok?

Taxi: Ahh...

Diran: OK.

Taxi: Eh lu(your) place got Ah Mui to eat ah?

Diran. What??

Taxi: That wan la. To eat wan.

Diran: Oh, no. I dont know la

Taxi: Eh, you wan ah? I can give you chinese, malay, indian even Moscow but expensive loh.

Diran: Ah?? No thank you Uncle.

Taxi: Not expensive la. If Chinese $120, if Indian also same. Malay ah is $80. Moscow wan is esspensive, $250. For hour only. Very good wan. But old-old. Malay all nice wan. Moscow wan come holiday, so forawhile oni. There's why they charge esspensive. You wan ah?

Diran: No, uncle. Thanks. I dont do these things. You got ah Uncle.

Taxi: Aiyoh, so many times le. All the people there wa tau(I know). Me, Malay is best la. For you dont know la. But I can still show you there for fun la.

Diran: Nevermine la Uncle maybe next time. Alot of people go isit?

Taxi: Got la. Mostly all mat salleh ah. But alot Malaysians also la. This mat salleh come here they say they wan to taste the people here. So wa bring them loh. For them more esspensive la.

Diran: Oh, you got try ah Uncle?

Taxi: Banyak kali la(many times). If not, wa wont ask you mah. Yes?

Diran: No. I mean yes.

Taxi: Ah? Yes or no?Wan to go or not?

-reaches destination-

Diran: No, maybe next time Uncle. Thank you.

Taxi: Ha...

For this whole thing I nearly pissed in my pants. It was so fun talking to this old man like this but it was frightening too. If I were to agree, OH MY GOD. AIDS, HIV! All this went through my mind. No way.

Maybe next time Uncle...

H-Factor Youth Creative Workshop

I think the picture says it all. I went for this workshop in the chic G Hotel in Penang last Sunday, 12 October 2008. It was a good thing I went. I saw the cute Hans Isaac(now now ladies, he says he is seeing someone currently,so..), the funny Harith Iskandar who entertained with all his funny jokes, Serena C and Pietro Felix(who is a Penang born) from Mix fm who heated up the place and of course the one and only Hannah Tan. The person, who without her none of this would have taken place. And we had David Lai, a very good mentalis cum magician who likes to show "something" to people, a dancer(dont know his name) and Remmy from the music group Innuendo.

So this people were all there to tell about their lives and how is it possible for the youths who wish to join the industry on what they can do. May I say it was one helluva healthy workshop that not only showed us the life's and tales of these people but also mainly not to get discouraged with our dreams and ambitions, whatever it may be. There are many ways to enter it, I do not wish to write it down here on the reason why I have no idea. It was an awesome day lah. The food they provided were finger food, it wasnt even good. I expected something good, but I guess with $3 bux it will do. There were alot of people there, I met some friends of mine there and made new friends.It was a good day. I am now much enlightened by the whole concept of the industry. I now know, what should I do and where should I go. Whethere I am interested in this line or not, is not something I wish to write here. I will leave it as a mystery. Sorry guys, somethings I guess are suppose to be left unsaid.

Meanwhile, I drove back to the Penang Jetty with a taxi. Watch out for the next blog for this story!

Monday, October 13, 2008


All my emotions right now well said.....

Saturday, October 11, 2008


I think this next blog of mine would be the most serious of all. I am not sure whether I am that good to write about this, but I think we should express ourselves, right?

The current global economic credit crunch or in simple terms: recession, seems to be taking a toll in many countries. Singapore just officialy made a worlwide statement that they have just gone into recession. Thats sad. I mean, just think they are our neighbouring country and one the best in this region and they're the first to go in recession in our Asean region and in the world. Malaysian's Finance Minister keeps on saying Malaysia wont be affected by it at all. The whole world is suffering this problem except Malaysia. Sometimes I wonder whether my countrymen are just stupid or are really smart. Well, I just hope what they say is true. Or at least, even if it happens, it wont be that bad. The critics claim that this is the greatest single problem ever since the Great Depression of the 1930 and the 97' financial crisis. It will affect people's rice and pasta bowl around the world. I dont know. Mainly I think its because the worlds population has increased by ten folds from the last global problem. So whatever is there, its either not enough or just sufficeable.

When I think about it, I get so nervous and worried how my family's going to survive this whole event. What more those parents who have children studying overseas with them exchanging money and all. Share prices plunged and its getting worse bytheday. Food price went up, while food stocks are low with the global warming not helping very much.Everything seems to be at a total turmoil now. The only possible good thing that comes out from this is that the worlds petrol price has gone down to $78 a barrel from $136, last. This should help reduce some things. My friend who owns a furnishing shop(I think he might read this blog) seems very worried. Mainly because credit crunch would affect the purchase possibilities of his customers as most wouldnt pay by cash and credit my cost their(my friends shop) debts to go high. My mom who works for HSBC in the commercial banking sector just mentioned to me that HSBC Penang are slowly trying to reduce the loan giving to companies as they dont know how to economic stands now. And that if SME(small and medium entreprenuers) intends to take loan they would need to have high security to do the take up of the loan.

Plainly ridiculous I think. Its just impossible to have that now.

Anyways, there's a one month stall for loan lending starting halfway this month I suppose. I am not sure what to expect from this economic crisis. Is the world going to end? How are all the poor people going to survive? What about the middle class? Since people say when recession happens money has a lower value and it becomes worthless at some point. What then is going to happen to all this low income paid people? Its scary to note that recession is clouding in. All we can do is pray for the best. But I wonder what God thinks about this whole issue. Is it to say that worlds ending?Or is it to say man should stop being so greedy and just go back to the old times of lifestyle?

Son: You think theres recession?

Father: World is coming to an end.

Son: How much will we loose?

Father: What did the Quran say?

Son: World is coming to an end.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

-continuation- CluBBing 27/9/08

So I read my blog and I think I said I would blog about the clubbing scene right. Well, frankly, it was normal. I mean I am getting use to it you see. So I dont feel the excitement and shit and all anymore. Its kinda getting dull. Although, it was fun that day. It was at this place called Mois.

Well you can pronounce it as "M-U-A" or "M-O-I-S". Whichever please you. The only difference is whether you want to be an Ah Beng or French men. My friend got me free entrance(thank you!) and so free drinks, because he knew the people there. There was I think about 20 of us in all. We shared three bottles of Apple Baccardi. Now that was good. I liked it. It of course, by obvious meaning, tasted like apple. Hence, it was sweet. Then we all had a few sips, then started dancing. No one was getting high or doing anything naughty. The place was nice. They were crowded, but in a just nice way. The songs they played for the night was really good. It was remixed but not remixed until it sounded horrible or anything. It was ok. I heard theres a VIP room. But I guess reserved for the rich and snooty only. But that does not stop me from trying to enter there next time.


It ended all in some panick moment because I though my ride was gone, as my friend actually when to repark his car due to many police rounds at that time. So I left at 2.30am. Barely smelling of liquer. I did stink of cigarattes though. But it was a fun experience in all. Nothing for me to scream about. But it will be something I will be doing soon...

-people from my college, no idea why the guy is holding a purse-

"Dia Ibu Ku"

I just watched this movie yesterday called "Dia Ibu ku" on channel 119. May I say its just awesome. It was some old malay movie playing on the channel. You see I want to see how good malay movies were. So i just normally casually try and watch some. Whether its new or old. If its boring, NEXT. But this was just unstoppable, even when there was commercial. I am not sure if anyone watched it, but it was just so good. It was a 70-80's type of movie. I liked it so so so much. The drama, the story line, the characters line up, everything! OMG! I love it. The director is Yasin Salleh. Dont know whose that. God, I would love to meet him and convey my congrats to him. Such a remarkable movie. And the mother. I dont think they could have gotten a better actress. Although, I am not sure of her name except for the name Sarimah. Such a riverting actress. My god. When she cried at one part, wow. That was just such a moving scene. The movie was good. I am not sure if it will ever be showed again. I thank god for being able to watch that movie ever. I think it just scarred me on the concept of a superb actress. I hope I will be able to meet her someday.


Can some directors make this movie as good again? Or make newer movies that are as good?....OR even better. I will await for the day.

Award for this movie are :
Best Film (Overall) ... 2nd Malaysia Film Festival, 1981
Best Heavy Drama Film ... 2nd Malaysia Film Festival, 1981
Best Actress (Sarimah) ... 2nd Malaysia Film Festival, 1981

Sunday, October 5, 2008


I just finished waching 'Sepi' directed by Khabir Bhatia.

I actually expected a lame duck movie. Knowing that Malay movies never make it big. But I had to give this film the benefit of doubt because the director is Khabir Bhatia. The renowed director of the movie "Cinta" and the current show "Frontpage". "Frontpage" is a series of drama involving the lives of five journalists.

Lets talk about "Sepi" today.

It was beautifully woven. I think I was nearly moved. But I didnt. So the movie isnt that great. But thumbs up have to be given to the camera crew. Lighting, sound system and casting was good. Although, I think Mr.Bhatia you shouldnt have taken Vanida as your actress. Thats the only complain. She seems...plain. The rest of the cast I could see their character grow. Each had a tale to tell. Each was painfully growing. But hers is so...dull. Her character and herself. Through the trailer of this movie I thought she could act. Apparently she was the spoiler. The Khalil's girlfriend looked like she was wearing a wig the whole time. Mr.Bhatia I think she was good, especially when she was reading the poetry in the library. But you should have kept that part at pin drop silence. Everything just still.

The performance of Tony's lover in the movie both his wife and the one after is amazing. My GOD! When she nearly died and when she was acting in the past reflection scene she was just beaming through the camera. Theres a sort of pull that I can feel from her. You should hire her more for your movies, Sir. Then his lover, I liked the part when she cried. Wow. That was the part that caught my breath.

Sir, you are a very good director. But I think on your next movie you need to relax abit on your camera angles. I am not going to deny you are a fabulous director but you need to reduce the so many beautiful shots you take. Its getting abit dull. It was funny I was watching "Sepi" at 9pm on channel 952 and on channel 103 they were showing "Cinta" and at 9.45pm they were showing "Frontpage" at channel 107. All your movies at one time. Anyways,Mr.Bahtia, I think you really need to be abit more dramatic with your cast. Tell them to talk abit more louder. Put their thoughts and emotions in. Some of them seem blur while they are acting.You also need to reduce the many songs you put in. Its to much song. Very beautiful songs, although. But its too much. we dont want a musical. We want a moving and touching one.Put songs, but not at every ohter noock and connor.

I suggest you next make a movie without so many main characters. Try with just two. Play around with it. Get a good script and a good cast. Try making a love movie but with lots of ups and downs and suspends thats kills. I suggest you hire people like Ida Nerina or Umie Aida as your heroin. Or you can take that wife of Tony in "Sepi". She seems like an untounched jewel. As for your hero, I hope you would find someone new. Who has talent and looks. And when I mean talent, please train the person well. Let there be blood, tear, sweat, joy, rain, laughter, death, friendship and mainly drama all in this one movie. I believe(and this is sincere) if ever one were to make a movie such as this and make it successfull, it can be you Sir.

For "Sepi" I wouldnt say its good, but its better then the normal Malay movies.Congratulations.

Contact me if possible on further critiques on movies. Thank you.