Friday, September 12, 2008

Karti........So long.......

My friend is leaving me to further his education. Its in Manipal India. Yes, to be a Doctor. Sad, is an understatement now. My emotions are all mixed now. I am sad for him leaving and me being best friend-less but I am also equally happy for him as he is pursuing his ambiton, his dream. I am sure this happens to everyone at least once. I will definietly miss him. Thrice a week I and him will hang out at our favourite spot, a McD near our place. We would car pool. Hence, he would fetch me once and I do the next and it goes on and on for the past 3-4 months. We also jogged everyday without fail at a park near our place. We would talk and talk and bitch and bitch until the sun sets. Before 'lepak-ing' a local Malaysian term for hanging out, we would catch a movie in a mall near our place. So after the movies are over, we would hang out McD until about 2am, max. It was so fun. We would jog and go back home. 3 hours later we will meet up for a movie, then McD. Surprising thing is we never got bored and we have all kinds of things to talk about. From girls to boys, home to food, mom to cousins, school to transport, politics to weather, life to end.

It was beautiful.

Initially there was three of us in May, but the other one was with us for like 2 weeks only I think. He had to enter the local uni by then. Its in UM. For medicine too. I wasnt so much as upset with that guy then this. He was the one I shared my all. Dont have dirty thoughts ok! But yeah, I told him everything. My every tear and joy was with him. He knows all. Like wise here too. Its going to be so empty now. He has been my friend since form 1. You know how we met each other? It was in our school bus. Me and my another friend was talking about something and he overheard us and we started talking after that. Soon his friends became ours and ours became his. We were also having our classes next to each other. Boy, couldnt we wait for classes to end. We would run to the balcony and start talking, fighting, gossipig, you name it. There were so many atimes when we would run to each other in classes carrying broomsticks trying to wack each other. But our ego never came between us. He has a mighty ego, mind you. And so do I. But the thing is, it never came between us. Never. And thats the best part. Soon we became such good friends. We shared everything. Same clubs, same sports and later on if I am not mistaken same uniforms. We became prefects toghether. Drama, public speaking, story tellling(boy was that some story competition!) and Bahasa Melayu debate. Same school bus up till form 3 and then he had to change to another. We were so alike. Our date of births matched. Our lucky numbers, our likes and dislikes. Good Lord! We were so similar. Theres always been four us. People use to call us many names. We were such hero's in schools. Everyone knew who we were. Anything we touch, would be gold(literally). No teacher did not know our names by hard, no students did not know us, senior or junior. Even other school students knew us. We were in the same tuition and all four us would hog the up most front seats. Every other table had 5-6 people sitting in it, but ours had only the four of us and we allowed no one to come and take our spot. There was a few times, not many, but few when some other students would sit there, new or old, by accidently or on purpose and when we come into the class we would give them this one look that none of them would want to mess with us and they would automatically get up. We were taunted, cursed and were bitched at. But likewise, we did the same. And eye for an eye they say. And whenever its us, we make it a huger then huge event. When we want to bring someone down, all four of us will set our minds toghether and we would bring that person down until he/she whimpers. Trust me, we did. We were superb. Damn I miss my school life.

Why does it take a minute to say hello , but it takes forever to say goodbye?

Of course over time, emotions built up, hormones raged and things took a toll. Lets not go into details, but some of us fought and didnt talk but of course we got back to each other as usual. Charmed One's, they called us that. After the famous tv series. Thing is, we allways wanted it to be four but it always came out in threes. Always. We were never sure why, till these day, we are not sure on the whole physics of it. But it has always been like that. Just like the Charmed One's, theres four girls but only three has the role. And I guess its in that spirit, that the charm is taking care of us. At this point, I dont care what people think about me and my friends. What we are is what we are. I would never change it for the world. We were, are and always will be the best four friends the world has ever seen. The dictionary has our picture in it to define the word 'best friends'. I know that no distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendshp that all of us had. Boy, writting this has brought in memories I have shelved behind my mind for years. For years, all of us were fearing this day. Where all of us would leave and be away. Of course you may say with all the techno possibilities in the world, theres isnt such thing as separation. Well, we prefer the physical touch of each other. The whole live action. We are of course no sex figures, or something out of Sex and the City of whatever. But we are the queesential best friend.

Once he goes, I have no one here to go out everyday with. I have no one. I am back to square one. Probably at the age of 4? I will now need to venture into the deep dark blue sea, with all its sharkes and whales and dolphins, just to find new friends. Or maybe even just friend. For now I believe I may not be able to find someone like any of them, to put the trust and faith I put into them. But if God given, I might. I am not sure if I am dependen on friends. I am still self identifying myself. What a perfect moment. When my degree starts, and my friends goes and with family issues. This is my biggest challenge yet in life. To sort all of this and make it succeed. Thing is, I may not one it to be in order, but we'll leave this topic for a latter day.

I cant belive writting all this is actually swelling up my eyes. I may be dramatic but I dont really cry for fun. I guess people have their moments. Its not like his going forever. But stil where is the good in goodbye? He will be back every 6 months though. But you know how it is, people change. We mature, move on, etcetra etcetra. For this, I too have too move on and like I said, venture into newer seas. Well I dont think I can write anymore for todays topic. Here is where I intend to end it.

~Karti, you will always be in my mind~

this is an ode to you my best friend.

"Bye Bye-Mariah Carey"

1 comment:

Prash said...

For men may come and men may go,
But I go on for ever.

Alfred Lord Tennyson

You will certainly find another good friend, but of course he won't be Karti...Karti is Karti of course ! But the course of time will teach you that you will make very good friends with others too. And so will he ! But, this connection will remain forever between you. When you meet him after 10 years, you will feel the connection even if there is nothing common between you both. I am saying this out of experience !

I know you are 18 because it says so in your profile !~ LOL