Sunday, September 21, 2008

8TV rockXXX!!!!!!!!!

I just finished watching 8TV's 'Dare 2 Dream' programme. It is about Malaysian people who have pursued their dreams and are being succesfull at it. I am not sure how long this programme have been going on but it was certainly good. Todays show was about an interior designer name Christopher Ong whos currently residing in NY, yes people, New York and working there. May I say that this show was excellent? I have no idea who are the people who were doing the interview, camera man, lighting man and editing man. It was AWESOME. I have never come across a Malaysian programme being done locally, in a sense, at an exceptionaly good point. I mean everything was perfect. From the ambience, to how they edit the dialog, the following him around doing his daily work part, interviewing his family and friends. I tell you, this show rocked. It gets a little bored at some point of time watching only all White man making shows about how successful they are all the time. And Malaysian people always think that we never can become famous. I mean the show explored zones that I never thought was possible for a local production. I am not sure who gave the idea to do this programme, but that person certainly deserves some sort of reward. I mean it was educational, inspiring, motivational and most certainly bold. Getting someone to say that while residing in NY, his heart and mind still belongs to Malaysia is something that nearly got me emotional. Its not everyday you hear that. And that dude wants a chance to make it big in Malaysia, to show what he has. I think he can do it. I hope some smart Malaysian tourism-involved company would give him a job that would allow him to show his talent here. It was nice to hear how he incorporated Malay, Chinese and African motiffs in his design. I mean generally one would have the stupid notion that one would only use motiffs of his own people. Apparently his far too brilliant then that. I love this sentence he said. It struck me.

"No matter how far you go, you will always go back to your roots". Beautifully said.

This show was terrific! I would love to see more. I hope the show takes leaps and bounds to make it excellent. Just dont stick with one genre. Go far, think far. Ask any questions, dont be similar all the way or you will then slowly become redundant. Dont choose by race, choose by merits and excellence. Choose Malaysians!

Just before I was watching this show, I noticed 8 TV was playing some 'Adam show thing'. I think 8 TV should be given some award la. They are helping the local media to have air time. Its really good to watch. And they're shows show how Malaysians are. Its good. Its show reality in the sense of how we speak and how life is in Malaysia. Not fake presentation, by the sense of language and clothing. Not like the national channels. They bore people to death. Always perfect bahasa, always baju kurung, always the same facial expression whether sad or happy, and always have moral stories. Nobody wants to watch stories with un related moral stories every other show. We do know whats reality you know.

8Tv has so many good Malaysian series not Malay series. Although, can i put forward some suggestions? Thanks:

1) Plese try and put in more Malaysians in the story, as in not just of one race. Put Malaysians in. More Sabahans and Sarawakians, Chinese, Indian, Chindian, Nyonya's, Cinabhai and Indian Muslims. This what makes us Malaysian.

2) I think you should spend more on the show so it has quality. Not that it doesnt but watch Zee Tv on 108 or those Indon series. See how the deco is, their clothes, their style. Thats what catches peoples interest. Promote batik, kebaya, Malaysian style cheongsam, sarees and those indigenous motiffed clothing. Get local designers to borrow their clothes. They would be more then happy as you are doing them a favour by publicising it for them and n a way promoting Malaysians style of clothes.

3)Have better publicity. Publicise more. So that people will know your show and you will gain more viewers.

4)Have better story line. Seriously, your stories are good. As 8 TV is willing to take these shows and play it. But go throught the whole production. Make it more dramatic. Come on, when we watch drama's and series we just dont want to watch something light. For that we have comedy series. You have to increase your drama. Scream more, have people dying, friendship breaking, love problem, in-laws problem, family problem, sibling fights, rape, murder, lots of crying, lost of sadness and loss. One thing I notice that lacks in Malaysian dramas and series is lack of passion when they act. There are so many talents out there that can be tapped. How come when this actors and actress acts bad, the directors dont say anything. Cant they easily say "we are taking you off the show if you dont commit and put yourself in it"? How hard can that be? Look at the talents the American people produce. You can really see the passion. OK lets not go so far as to Hollywood, look at the Asian people. The Chinese , Indian, Indonesian, Thailand, Japanese and Korean actors and actress. They're labour cost is dirt cheap especially India and China, yet they're performance is good. How come you cant get the locals to be the same?

5) Get your talents from the theatre! You need dramatic actors and actress who can play a character or role. Viewers want a show where its worth watching. Not a show that will put them to sleep. Get them to talk loud. Not talk like church mouses. Get them to be DRAMATIC!!!!

6) Get your jokes to be funny. Get your story line connected. Heck, get your conversation with anothers connected. Most of it, you cant seem to connect the question and answers together. Get your script writting done well. Get professors/academicians or someone who is good to do it.

7)The directors, producer. No, the whole production crew should just one day just sit down and watch channel 108, Zee Tv and watch Star World, 711. Just watch all the shows and learn the lighting, sound system, the drama involved, the emotion involved, how the camera is angled. Get ideas from there! Get inspired!

8) Ok this one is huge. Since, they are more shows coming up. I think we should have our own Emmy Awards or something. You know, giving awards to local series. Dont just put all in the Anugerah Filem thing. Have this. Have Malaysian style Emmy's. Atleast this will spur the local industry to be more competitive and be more succefull. Since they are alot of shows and I think more are coming up, I think this point should be really considered.

I think recently, more and more local private Malaysian TV houses are showing more Malaysian production shows then overseas, especially from Indonesia and this is good as this will increase the realisation about local shows.

Thus, I wish the TV houses to showcase more local productions. By Malaysians for Malaysians. Make us proud. Not put us to sleep. We know you can do it. Just put your brains together and you can do it. I can help to go furher in details of this if you would try and contact me.



Rita said...

I think you should consider a career in Television.

Prash said...

I agree with handmaiden, you should work in the media are so good an analyst for a 18 yr old ! ;-) LOL

Nicely said about the Masian concept ...all the race in it and not just Malay !

Funnily, I also wrote something about theatre yesterday night before hitting the bed !

Diran said...

How come we seem to write alot of similar things Prash? Bytheway I read it before I slep last night. It was good.

Diran said...

Media life?...humm...