Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Managers of a diva generation

Oh I love this title! Its from the local Star Publication on Wednesday 17 September 2008. This article caught me by its title. And as soon as I read it, I got hooked on it. There is also another write up, in MSN today, on this similar topic. Both of this article are loosely based on the fact that parents in this century are hovering over their children even after graduation period.

Now reading all of this made me wonder and ponder on the truth and false of it all. In the past genereation, the likelyhood of any children entering a university is so so scarce. What more a college? Most university graduates at that era, of course, by and large turns into some nobel person. Famous artist, scientist, historian and the list goes on. Those day, the academicians were choosen to enter mainly because of blood ties and the rest which are countable, by their brains and they are always poor. No disabled. Middle class did not exist back then. It was either rich and you continue being rich, or poor and you continue being poor. Of course some lauretes to take as an example are Elbert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton. Now I wouldnt say they entered the university as soon as they reached puberty or that they were of royal families. I have no idea on the history and background chapter of these famous people. But on the basics, we all know, that sooner or later they did enter the university. Now, this past that i reffered to was the in the 10th-19th century. Slowly, in the 20th century, application to universities grew. An it grew at such an alarming rate. New blocks were to be built. New hostel, food outlets, laundry room and etc. New teachers, new courses, more books, more tables and chairs and so forth. Back then, most family were still having the post-world war affect(depending where you come from). Food, water and shelter was scarce. People were maturing at the age of age between 12-13, earlier then now. Here, when I talk about maturity it does not only include the physical aspects but also mentally. Most boys follow the footsteps of their fathers becoming brave hearts and daughters becoming housewives looking after their youngs, just like their mother. Although others became teachers and nurses and doctors, most was self learned. Most was done due to force. In the Europe, UK and America, basic education was not only a struggle for women but it was also something to fight for by the man. When people entered university, parents were always on the impression that it was not good, as this young children could use their young energy to generate more income by working in minefields or for the country( basically man) and marry and have lots of children, feed and nurse them( basically women). Ironic, isnt it? Now they condenm the Asians.

Back then entering to an education field is not something parents look forward too. However, when you are in, they expect the best and since they have had no previous experience in dealing with all of these issues, they leave it to their children to decide. Title of careers started back then. Thats why now only people can choose and decide what to become and etc. Everything was the pioneer then. And then it was experience later on.

Back to the future, this few articles talk about how children are so dependent on their parents on everything that they cant do anything on their own. Children needs them to think for them even after university from job application, to leave permission, mc's and even asking the HR manager about the salary and job involvement.I am far too lazy to quote any of the sentence from the article. So dont think about it. Its sore to note that these writers think that kids these days are so unreliable. Although, I have to agree part of it. But if I were to speak from my own experiences, I did not have my parents doing any talking for me. I basically did everyting. Almost all my friends who have gradauated and worked are very independent and reliable and are good decison makers. I am not sure on what unsurreal evidence are these writters using as their source for the article, but I have to disagree.

What is so wrong if parents feel they have to play a greater role in their childrens education? In their childrens graduation course? In their childrens working life? Over time, experience will make them tougher and smarter. You cant expect kids to just jump the wire without getting hurt. And all these parents wants to do is cushion the pain, or if possible tear down the wire so that they go through nothing. With such complicated documents to fill, time shortage and everything to be done in an instant, its hard for kids/teens/graduates to jugle and play master to all of it. Of course, mom and dad also has to know when to draw the line. But here, the articles are mainly accusing parents of being similar to 'helicopters', constantly hovering over their childrens life. Additionally, they also claim that the mobile phone has been termed "the worlds longest umbilical cord".

Frankly, I think the article is one that can be heavily criticised in the terms of higlighting the issue and yet putting it out as if families should not be together. Dont mistake me as misunderstanding on the whole issue. I know what the writters are trying to say and who are they are trying to reach out too. But they, I belive, do not have their perspectives right. I doubt that these writters themselves have not done what they have wrote. I can not imagine what kind of parents would they then be? When 3/4 or more of the parental percentage around the world is doing this 'helicopter-ing', it could probably be them who are in the balance 1/4 of the portion who are not dong anything. And in the eyes of 'helicoptre' parents and 'diva' childrens, their approach towards a childs up bringing would be totally frowned upon. Actually, I can already immagine how uncontrolled and badly behave their children are. They will definitely be, since they seem to be on the notion that parents shouldnt be helping thier children make decisions.

Majority families come from the middle class or lower class(and all the in betweens), hence they would not only want to see their children succesful but also that they do not fall down. Of course, this writters surely must come from some rich upper class families to actually even say these things. Most families cant afford having their children making mistakes as the parents work night and day, 2 or 3 shifts to ensure that their children have all and enough guidance through books and tuitions. So, what is wrong if they continue helping a little bit more?

Generally speaking, I think these writters are writting on the facts and figures in Western countries. Its relateable to the Asian nations, but we hardly make noise on it. Independece and freedom of speech in Asian countries are hardy heard off, until lately. But of course, even so, we still thread on thin ice. We dont make noise of it, not just because we are accustomed to it but also because we are not allowed to have a say. From the day we were born, clothes we wear, things we do, words to use, where to go, what to study, whom to marry, whom to please, how many children to have and etc. All of this has been the way of life here. However, it is changing. But still on thin ice. Eventhough having our parents do everything, we never find ourselves diva-ish. We dont cry everytime we fall, we dont whimper everytime we fail, we dont scream everytime we bleed. We do nothing. We are as strong as our fore fathers. We are as stubborn yet humble as our parents. How come Asians never face this problem? How come we can have our parents to do everything for us (even telling us what to do and expect on the first night), yet at the end of they day hold a managerial post, drive a BMW and have a lovely family with two houses across the globe? How come the Whites(if I may say that) are so fragile, that a little help, kills them. A little love, bounds them. A little motivation, smashes them.

It is sad to wonder how these people are then going to live their lives. We are the Gen IT. Not X or Y. We dont belive in delay-dalying work. We dont belive in sucking up to our seniors for extra salary, sleep with the bossess to earn a higher post. We earn them because we deserve them. Just because this old farts can no longer squeeze womens butt as they like or tell them to be bedded first before they receive their new higher position, maybe thats why they complaint that these generation are diva's and cant make any decisons. Everytime we cry on this is because we have laws! Man seniors can no longer push around the smaller ones or bash them up because they feel like it, is that why they complained? Talk about self-fish. So parents butt in. So that their children wont be pushed over. So that their children wont mix with the wrong crowd.

Even so, if the kids just continue to allow their parents to hover over them, I strictly belive that there will come a time that their children will feel overly pressured and will tell their parents to "back off".

These writter I belive wrote this with having their best intention at heart. But if anything, they should have also written from the prospective of a parent and a child.

Not just to have a sell-out article.

And they are talking about coming from the generation of being able to make good decisions!Pfft...

Such DIVA'S!

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