Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Merdeka Day it seems

Ok. Probably I am a slow writer. I am not sure why do I blog things when they are way overdue. Well, reasons i cant think of anyways. But today it would be the theme of Merdeka. Malaysia just celebrated her 51st birthday of independence from the colonizers. Well sadly, I didnt find the country was in anywhere near celebratory mood. There was some hoo-hah. But that was when it was a day or two before the celebration day and two days after it to. I have come to a conclussion on why this has heppened. I guess its mainly because the politicians were mainly concerned on their positions and whether Anwar would be ruling anytime soon. Its really stupid to see that they would rather get themselves tangled in this ridiculous thougths then too celebrate the countrys independence. At least the rakyat would know they are brave enough not to be bewildered by the oppsitions. Sadly, this goons are nowhere there.

So anyways, as i said it was a rather dull day.For the first time i didnt go anywhere to celebrate it. And i forgot the date of the day. So when my cousins came down from Ipoh to my home, I decided to take them out to Juru. Heavens behold, the place was in a total mash. We could hardly move. And traffic was long and looked like it wouldnt have ended till the wee hours. Then we noticed from afar that the other part of AutoCity was having some concert showcasing singers from China. We were wondering what was the whole celebration about until we saw this huge LCD board, rumours has it costed RM2mil to install, that it was Merdeka. Me and my cousins were like ,"it is?". OK Happy Merdeka everyone. And they were like, "Yah, you too". Sense the excitement?

What couldnt register in me was the later part when I started thinking about the whole concert. I mean why in the world would you want to hire foreign singers, performers, entertainers and the likes to entertain us for the night belting out songs that are well, foreign to us? I am not racist, thats for one.But why bring these chinese singers from mainland China and Hong Kong to come all the way here to sing songs that has nothing to do with the Independence Day or even Malaysians. Arent it at this point that the organisers should come to their senses and invite Malaysian artist to come and sing? Well, Malaysia just doesnt have Malay singers only these days, you know. We have Reshmonu, Jaclyn Victor, Vince and so on. So how come they couldnt have performed infront of us? If you want international, we have Chennele and Nicholas Teo and other Malaysian Chinese who speaks good Malay and English, that are based in U.S and China respectively, to come and perform here. To add on, there are so many Malay singers that are awesome, how come none was invited? What are these dumb organisers trying to proove? You know at my previous blog I did mention that the organisers shouldnt be afraid of inviting these international performers to come and perform here. But at least do it with some sense. Since you are already under-fire for calling 'other types' of performers to perform, why cant they atleast help the local ones? They are not bad. Trust me. If given a choice I would rather go for Malaysian singers then Chinese singers. Its not the language barrier. Culture and language is never a barrier in music. Its what makes it even more beautiful, but on Indepence Day?These people?What would they know about our country's Independence?Do they even know what Merdeka is? Who P.Ramlee is? The Negaraku? I tell you, it was a huge mistake to invite these poeple who knows two hoots about the country. If the organisers are claiming this is the only way to attract people, then i beg to differ. They must have not gone to the KLCC celebration.

Given a choice, I would not invite these people on such and important day. You know theres this whole huge hoo-haa going on about citizenship rights and all. Well, the organisers should have made it as if we were celebrating Merdeka in Malaysia rather then China's Independence Day in Malaysia. There are these things where other people says things about race and they get all upset and start war of words, right? Well at least if you had used your brains to do something right then it would have been ok to verbally fight. But nothing of such transpired. Ridiculous! By right Malay, Chinese and Indian songs should have been sung, P.Ramlee's song, songs that invokes patriotism, the Negaraku and many things that are of these which are Malaysian in all. Sadly, nothing.I'd be damned if they proclaim it was a fully Malaysian celebration then. Since, Malaysians have this habit of saying anything white-man made is good then how come they never practice what they preach? On July 4th, performers and etc celebrating their Independence Day are always Americans. And they do it so proudly and patrioticly. The whole of Europe is no different. Indonesia had some grand day. India too. How come Malaysia didnt?How come we are always practising double-standards on ourselves and on the local performers.If the white's are so great, tell me then how come you came here?How come you stayed here? This goes to all Malaysians of no particular race in mind. We should have just let the bumi's who are the orang asli's that lives in the forest to run this country. They have a better sense of patriotism and pride for the country.

Malaysian Independence Day was totally quashed by non-Malaysian people. BRAVO oranisers! You just made Malaysia proud.

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