Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Gender Equalisation

So there was this huge furore recently about gender equalisation, sexism, and anything that has got to do with womens rights. So i was reading it, and hell yeah, I was supporting it. I read more and more as it was a full length article in the newspapers. Later on I came online to catch up with e-mails and stuffs and I read certain blog sites with more gender related issues. It was interesting at first, until suddenly it hit me. And this is what mainly I am going to write about today.

You know, its really funny how it seems when women always complains about lack of equality when it comes to anything from house to work. Its really sad to see that it is however very true indeed. Women always are conformed to house hold duties that it has plagued man on the fact that it is the only thing that they should be doing. Women should not be holding jobs higher than that. Its not fair at all to treat women as if they are lower then dirt and to think that they should always be subservant to man, generally towards the husband. Sadly, Asian countries practice this most widely. Althought the White-Nations self-proclaim that they, dont but these things dont really dissapear easily. Asians have this stupid notion that women should not be better then man and should not be able of being the sole bread winner or even play any part of the bread winner of the family. It somehow degrates the mans capabilities. Or so they claim. I mean if it is feasible that women can be the bread winner at the same time being able to juggle family duties, then why not? Wouldnt it be good to share the burden? And how come women must just clean, cook, take care of the childrens needs and attend to the husbands needs and desire, be a friends whose filled with emotions, treat their In-Laws like Gods and still be in good terms with their family? Why, a man is never near that. He cant clean his clothes, cook and what more when you leave your children with him? He's the child then. He and his friends would mostly go play ball or watch ball. They talk nothing but about euphoric activities that have to do with sports and when they feel like it they would be nice to their In-Laws. Its funny how man has the right to be that, but not the women. Whats even more fascinating is that women are the ones carrying the babies in their wombs for 9 months and bearing all the labour pains. And man has no such responsibility. How come then the women are treated more badly? I havent even started on the practises of generations back when they used to kill infant girls. Women are so degraded in the society. But sadly, it doesnt stop there. It even reaches out to our history books, the religion be it the Bible or the Torah. I am not sure about the Koran though. But whats peculiar is that all religion and beliefs and schools of thougths agrees on one thing, that what is above is as below and what is black is also white. The whole opposite theory. Hence, the whole confucious teaching of balancing the Yin and Yang is a must. How can you then degrade women and uphold the honour of a man and trying to attain a pure balance in the universe? Women have been constantly measured by their capabilities of being a wife, than a worker. A mother, than a friend. A daughter, than a lover.

But of course in this 21st century, thats highly impossible anymore. Now, with women vying higher posts in companies, becoming partners for associatons, heck even Prime Ministers and Presidents of countries, it shows womean are capable of holding high post without jeopardising their family. Gloria Macapagal, President of the Philippines, Megawati Sukarnoputri, President of Indonesia, Khaleda Zia Prime Minister of Bangladesh to name a few. Of course now it would be the ever so famous Hilary Clinton and Sarah Palin of the McCain group. You see, over the past few years, women have risen up in the public eye and are holding positions that are vastly important. Frankly, if I were to just write the names of women who are holding prominent positions the list will not end.

The good news is, more and more women are speaking up to abuses, sexism, harrasment and everything alikes. This opens up peoples eyes around the world on this disdainful practices. Laws, societies and forums are enacted and held in every country these days. This is good. I am totally in green light for all of this. But recently something cropped up. And its a funny thing really. Now women go on and on about gender equalisation but how come they havent played their part? One of the many are that theres this thing that women hates in a man when they enter the toilet. Its how we never put the seat down once we are done. They go on fussing and cussing about the whole petty issue. What is funny is that, I dont see a point in the whole thing. First, they arent many man who really do that, as in even bothering to lift up the toilet seats or putting it down,evenmore. Even when they know man are like that, then why the hassle of the fuss? Its not like we ever listen. Plus heres the one million dollar question, how come they never carry up the seat once they are done? Why is it that man always have to play the darker sex? The one who does all the work and get credit for none? We are shouted even more, cussed and fussed and everything else mentionable even more! How come women cant pull and push our seats when we sit? How come they cant open the door for us? How come they cant do anything relatively easy? But we should do all the hardwork. Ok, maybe I am asking to much here.

I dont want to stray to far. Lets go back to the whole toilte issue. Men, dont you agree with me? Why cant the women put the seats up rather then leaving it down once they are done? We arent going to fuss, heck we'll be happier! I of course stand up for women on the issue of gender equalisation. But over the years, I too feel it that men are being pushed more and more to the side in order for women to rise. How come? How come women have to do that to get what they want? How come we men never do that? Well, dont count in the fist fight though.Anyways, the whole spectrum of equalisation in gender issuess is a colourful one, yet know one knows where it stops. So do we now come to an agreement? Should man put the seats up or down from now on? Thats the million dollar question I want to win.

No matter, I still feel women should put the seat up once they've finished their business!


Prash said...

First of all, BRAVO, never read a post on Women's equal rights. I have been fighting for it since ...hmmm...when I was let's say 18...oh boy...that is, when I was your age...a little more than 10 years ago !

The good news is, more and more women are speaking up to abuses, sexism, harrasment and everything alikes.

Maybe true, but that is not enough. We need more awareness ! Even in many developed countries of the First world, many educated women suffer by husband beating at home...of course not mentioning the poor people where women are completely dependent on Men ! I really feel that there is no Good News in it...well, we cannot content ourself with this.

One of the many are that theres this thing that women hates in a man when they enter the toilet. Its how we never put the seat down once we are done.

Did you read my post on this ? If not, May I suggest you read the following link:


Anonymous said...

u go girl

Diran said...

calvin im nt a girl....sheesh.....

prash...tx for ur comment...how did you know i am 18?...what you said is really true..but i believe that women are speaking up and the awareness is getting more heard and seen everywhere. Although, it maybe of a slow progress. But progress is still progress. Dont worry I'll play my part more. Truthfully, I did. I just like the whole idea of the toilet seat thing. It was written really well. Thanks for dropping by!

Farie N. said...

hah..dear u cud write an article in mag la mcm nih..hee..haha..
but anyway nice writing, wit a tough reason.