Monday, September 15, 2008

Are you saying I am Gay?.....So what if I am?

*Just finished lunch break, hovering in the college*

Friend: You're cute and funny and such a drama you pull!(excited laugh)
Diran: Oh thanks!*shy*
Foe: Hence, I think you're gay.
Friend/Diran: What???
Foe: Yeah, I think you're gay because of the above. Why must you laugh too much? Get excited over things that are not interesting? You're such a drama queen!
Friend: Don't be ridiculous. He is not! Diran *putting her hand on my hand to calm me down*, even if you are, I am ok with it.*assuring smile*
Diran: Thanks, but I am not. *Then turn and looks at Foe* You're jugding me that I am gay just because of what I do? How I laugh? Don't you think for a budding lawyer, you are a bit over the top on this?
Foe: Why cant you admit it and let us all get over with it? We are ok with whatever are your sexual preference. I think Fairuz* is cute!
Diran: He may be. I am not bothered. Wait, wait, wait. Why should I admit something I am not to all of you just so that you can get on with life? *gritting my teeth* Dont you think you're being pejudiced and self-fish?
Foe: Thats the style of the new world, babeh! Plus, if its for my benefit, what have I got to loose?
Diran: Me being gay, benefits you? How so?
Foe: Well, firstly, I can have a new best friend, because gay guys are so sensitive and they know womens heart so well. Men are such jerks and boring cows. Well cows are boring. But anyways, secondly, we can talk fashion all day long and you wont get bored! Thirdly...*drifitng away*
Friend: Yup!Agreed!*quips*
Diran: *Turn and look at Friend in astonishment* You agree with her? And here i thought you are on my side? Damned friends I have. Listen, I am not gay. Why are you so bothered whether if I am gay? My life does nto revolve around you. It does not affect you. And my sexuality preference are on girls, thank you very much.
Foe: Now, you listen here young man! I believe you are gay and I would love to leave it at that!
Diran: Well, sorry to you bitch! I am not allowing that. People are so discriminative. The world is fighting about races, heck, they cant even have justice based on gender which only has two party's and there they are thinking about which race is better. Stupid! How can you say I am gay, when your hair is as short as my neighbours army son? How can you say I am gay when you where pants and working top? How can you say I am gay when you walk as if you are going to fight with someone? How can you say I am gay when you go on and on about how beautiful Syireen* is?
Foe: Woah there boy! Back off will yah? I am not gay and I know that! I like my hair kept short, its easier to maintain. I like to wear pants and top, its easier to work in and in a law working area, its only right. I walk like that since young, ok? She is beautiful la, I am appreciating God's gift. Nowadays, guys where pink clothes, they're closer/best friends are becoming girls, they walk and talk like girls and they tell that this guy or that guy is cute. And they are being sensitve, they cry when they read poems and tear when they watch sad movies. Sun must not touch their skin, clothes must be branded and expensive. They know all the cosmetique brands. Must always look good. Yada, yada, yada.
Diran: Some of your answers sounds dumb. But yet it sounds right. You know why? Because thats what you think. Thats what you want to think. I dont know which coconut shell you are under, I think you have not seen the world at large.
1) Pink is the new blue. And that was what? In 2003?
2) Is it wrong to have girls to be their best-er friends? Not all guys want to talk again and again about footballs, how talkative or how hot this and that(not hot at all) girls are, who they want to bang and drink beer all day long. Man too one too have intellectual conversation, rather then having rubbish or repetitive conversation. Man find women more conversation-able to talk to then to male counterparts. Whats wrong if they talk to women abit like them? Women dont like men swearing infront of their faces, so do you want men talking like that? Then fine, fuck you bitch! Why cant we shed a tear on a good sad movie? Men must not appreciate the finer things in life? Why cant we feel connected to a peom read? Sun? HELLO! Do you know whats global warming or not? Have you read the latest statistics on death by skin cancer? What are you laughing about? Not everyone desires to die and suffer with skin cancer like you ok! We all think life is much more wonderful then that! So we apprecite good health habits. So we think clean shaven is better looking then street bum. So we think branded and classiness shows a certain success, builts confidence and at the end of the day, attracts the opposite side. All these are wrong? All these make us gay? Seriously la bitch, I dont think you would be a successful lawyer like this. You dont have a solid argument, you're just going around being prejudiced and you are saying people are gay just because of the above. Equally, I also want to say you are gay. You're not as feminine women should be. You should be cooking then studying. You should be keeping your mouth shut when men speaks. You should look down and show your courtseys and when you see people. You shouldnt smoke in public, or rather at all. You shouldnt be talking to man. You shouldnt be saying another girl looks nice in 'that skirt'. You shouldnt say "I wish had Rihanna's hair". You shouldnt have all those things! But have you not said and done all of it? Yes you have? So shouldnt you be gay too?
Friend: People, chill already. *hands in the air*
Diran/Foe: Shut up!
Friend: *Bewildered*
Foe: Easily said then proven. Just because you can go on crapping all day long about what defines gay and what does not, it will not change my perception of you. You are gay. Period.
Diran: *all red in anger* True. Come to think of it, I dont care what you think of me. I can fuck you here, now itself, and make you scream in pleasure just to proove to you that I am not gay. But frankly, I dont care what you think of me. In few years down the road I wont even remember you. And I am living my life the way I see fit. If I act like a gay man, and wear gay clothes and have gay and girl friends, I think thats entirely up to me and my senses. It has nothing whatsoever to you. You will anyways, remain a two faced stupid irratating ugly bitch. I swear the day you were born! Have a great day.
Foe: FINE!
Diran: *does a 180 and leaves*
Friend: C'mon Diran, dont be upset. Its not like you lost anything.
Diran: I am not upset. In fact, I won everything. Going to the loo, wanna come?\
Friend: Sure.
Foe: I am going. But without you.
Diran: Whatever.

*15 minutes later, an ambulance and a police car is waiting down at the entrance)


Prash said...

Last weekend, I was introduced to a guy in a gay bar and the first thing he told me was "I am not gay" and I said "You are in a wrong place, then !" and the talk continued and at one point, he came and told me that he is looking for girls and he wants me to introduce him to my beautiful friends (girls). I was like why not...but he added, because you gay guys are always surrounded by beautiful women ! (oops...the thing you shouldn't say to Prash)

By 3 am, I was dancing to hell and one girl comes and tells me "God is cruel" and I reply "oh gorgeous, why ?" and she replies "because He made you gay"...and I replied to her "whatever made you think I am gay...I don't bother, but I am not gay..." and she replied "prove it to me" and I just grabbed her and French kissed her ! She was like "oh boy ! you are hot...I can't handle this" and she ran away ! LOL

Anonymous said...

okay details....

Prash said...

Yes, diran I am gay. And you say my blog is densed with knowledge and am I not flattered by it ! ;-) LOL