Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fasting and Me

Its the fasting month of the Ramadhan. Now should I go 'Woohoo!' or "Dear God, here we go again"? Did I just commit blesphemy? Damn!

So the good news is, I have been succesfully (touch wood!) fasting for the past nine days. The bad news is, I cant wait for it to end. Hey do you know there are many benefits to fasting. Now the Islamic reasons of fasting are that:
a) It increase your discipline in controlling or craving for something that you want to eat.
b) It makes you understand the suffering of the under privilaged people.
c) It makes you closer to God as you think more of him and perform more prayers to obtain his blessings.
d) It increases your stamina while doing your daily chores with no food or drink involved, hence making you more innovative.
e) Ooh, and of course the fact that you will loose weight!

Now thats the whole goody sides of fasting. But I've also found out that there are also the naughty benefits. It

a) increases your stamina in bed after a full one month break. Your wife or partner better be ready to fill in some big shoes.(wink!)
b) increases your libido by leaps and bounds. As you know, Muslims cant do anything naughty,yes even ejaculating, while in the fasting month. I mean we can, but theres some procedures to follow.
c) does also, you become more horny but I guess it is in a good sense as in you can pry for your mate but not touch her/him, for some time that is. It helps knowing how to control.
d) You ejaculate more making everyone wetter and well, wetter.

Although, this is not meant to be a raunchy entry but I just wanted to type all this here. This is in order that I dont forget my reasons to fast. This whole fasting thing wil last a month then a week of celebration visiting enemies and actually mouthing forgiveness to them(damn right I will!), friends, relatives and paying visits to the grave. Fasting is basically a way to delete sins and add blessings. Short and simple. Lets not get complicated.

Surprisingly, I havent felt like skipping my fasting days so far. Last year I did a whole 31. Shocked? I know. But this year I have scheduled one day or two, for not fasting. Can't tell you the dates now can I? Sin? What's sin? *smilling*

Gosh, I havent started the whole Malaysian culture of gobling all the food in the world down my throat yet. Oh yeah, I think I failed to mention, my Dads a big eater and he assumes the whole family is and the would-be generations is. I may be big in size, but my helpings are alwyas small, of course exceptions to certain food. Anyways, I havent hit the locar 'pasar malam' so far, Malaysian style Food Bazaar for some local treats and delicacies. I even dont know why my Dad has reduced his food intake into more then half. Probably the whole health thing is kicking into his brain. So yeah. we have yet to divulged to piles of food this month. I guess I should try it in days to come.

Wish me luck!!!


Anonymous said...

that is jazeera

Diran said... way...

Prash said...

No comments on this post ...I am non-religious person !

On the other hand, ya...i love that picture...that symbol particularly...:-)

Diran said...

tx Prash...