Thursday, August 28, 2008

Avril Lavigne to SEXY uh?

Well the above I think, you would know what todays topic would be. Its really ridiculous to know whats happening to the industry lately. This news about not allowing Avril Lavigne to perform here on the 29th August in Stadium Merdeka is a total bologne. I mean how unfair is it for the Culture and Arts Department to chose what should and should not be brought into this country. Of all people I really dont think Avril is of any bad influence. If anything she is more of a role model. She has kept to her promise of not selling her self but her voice to generate income. One which she has kept. All her shows are knee length short and a top, with long blonde hair and strikes of pink(recently). So where is she sexy, raunchy, and just disastorous aspects of her that will break the morality and religious status of the fans?

To stop its show we heard many resons. There was the excuse that it was near Merdeka celebration. Fair enough. Then we heard that due to punk-funk scenes, its not healthy for the people. Then we heard the Department was pressured by some religious group of a few particular states. I mean seriously, punk-funk? Ask any of the adults and they know more punk, rock and anything hard metal then now generation. It was their generation that started it all. Cold, hard, raw music. They danced to it. They made rock and punk, chic and glam during the 90's. Now wheres the wrong in that? Back then, no one stopped them. People knew it was a transformation. It was change. And years later, the same people who danced to the music are leading the country and they are the ones who are telling us we shouldnt listen to all this 'racket'? And we should just keep our bums down? Oh please. And about the religious group of people. I do agree that being a Muslim country certain things have to be taken into account. But things like Non-Muslims are also inexistence in this country and would like to watch it should also be considered. Mostly, i find, the ruling people always takes decision biased-ly or well lop-sided. Its fair to say that they can ban it on certain people, like Oh! I dont know the MP's children and the whole state from where those religious people come from.

I have no idea whats free and whats not in this country. Initially, it was all race, religion and customs. Now it looks like even entertainment, clothes, attitude etc. Seriously, who are those people to tell us what to wear and what to see? Its not like we are asking for free porn tv or something. And the performers are not strippers or will be baring all and walking from one end to the other! Its realy ridiculous for the Malay(sian) adult/leader(s) to tell us what we should watch. At 18 till 28, the youths are not going to spend 100 odd-bucks for jazz or opera or acrobats or some old veteran singers (unless of course Elvis returns from the dead, but that too has doubts). Its this artist that we want to watch. Well, if they think we shouldnt watch this, then promote the local artist out loud! Apart for some semi-balled AF winner dude. Get your local artist out there. Tell them to come out with songs that are at international level, promote them, get them to go around the world to sing and come back here. Malaysians will definitely want to see her/him perform. Malaysia loves anything international. But just incase you havent notice, we have none. Siti is not countable as she sings overseas but rarely in the country apart from one or two sleepy songs.

There was this write up recently in some particular media if i am not mistaken about some Indonesian artist who was called to perform, and then cancelled due to the same old farts, and then called back again and then cancelled and finally performed for a private crowd somewhere in KL.

1)Why are we promoting singers from the other side of the Ocean to come and perform here?Arent those dance moves raunchy, sexy and etc? -Please note that the people who invited these artist are Malay(sians)
2)What happend to local artists?Did they all just died overnight or something?Or does the inviters,is that even a word, doesnt believe in Malay(sian) artists to pull enough crowd?
3)What does this show about the country?On and off, on and off.We dont stand by the principals made!

If they dont want to show it then prior to publicising that the artist is to perform here, do have thorough research done and get feedback from all sources on whether it should be done or not. Apparently, after years and years, no, centuries and centruies of embarassing experiences the organisers and that Department has yet to learn a lesson.

Sadly, its not only embarassing for the organisers and the Department but also the whole country. The past week E! CHANNEL has said some things about Malaysia. Theres only so much we can defend the country. And somehow not all truths can be covered. click this and you can read what they wrote.

I missed Beyonce and Christina. One of the best performers on stage. Do you know how many Malaysians were wanting to watch them. And Singapore gets all the money and the credit for hosting huge performers at such a petite country. Malaysia is being ridiculed by others due to thess shallow minded , blind sided, dumb idiots who knows nuts about entertainment. Well, frankly even if they do, i know they are still what I just said. And since last years favourite quote was 'holier than thou'. I would like to ask those people involved in these field and who created those rackets, do they think their family members especially their teens and kids and youths are holier then the rest of the country?They dont glue themselves to MTV to watch these artist sing and perform?

..............That shows how much they know about their own blood.............


savante said...

Well let's hope they manage to let her play tonight. See what happens :)

Diran said... got through....