Sunday, August 10, 2008

Inconsistent and On Needles

I've learned this new habit of myself. I AM NOT CONSISTENT. Yah, because i think i wrote the last post long time ago and then i didnt continue. It was suppose to be my newself thing and all. I hope my newself i snot the inconsistent type. That wil be very difficult.

Anyways, apart from that i have something else in my mind. My results came out yesterday. Yes, my A-levels results are out already. Effective 4pm yesterday, if i am not mistaken. Some aquaintance that i know scored well. Great. And here i am a nervous wreck and i am hearing other people who are doing really well. That's really not fair you know. Its like how come 'we' who always wants the better results actually flinch more then the one's who are not bothered. The thing is i have that huge flinch, its just that i am not confident i guess. Friends and family says "You will do well!" or like "Believe in Him and it will help". Yeah, well we Asians definitel have alot of faith in Him. And of course he helps. Just i gues not everyone. And maybe because that person didnt ask the right way or something. Or not with his/her full heart. I think i asked with more then just my heart. I am so topsy-turvy now. I am doing back flaps (or wtv its called), my stomach is all in knots. I am all in needles, and its scarily preaking me. I have huge butterflie flying in my stomach. My hands are ice cold and so is my whole body. Can you believe this, i am actually typing this whole post without any fan. No air-cond to. Gosh, i wonder why. In my mind i keep saying "i am not bothered by it...etc". But the heart says something else. Well, i guess, the hardest thing to govern is the heart.

Well, i have so many things in my mind. Such as the place i am going to study and all. Thats alot of job you know. Gosh, i wonder. Yes, apparently i do wonder alot, and i like it very much, thank you.

So, i thought of writting this blog before i check out my results on the computer. I am stil very afraid to type it of course. To go on the website and all. Haih. But i do have to go soon. So anyways, for now i would bid my humble goodbye. Probably i will come and blog later once the results sink in, be it good or bad. Not sure whether i am checking it now, but very soon. So bye.

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