Thursday, November 20, 2008

THE AMAZING RACE ASIA SEASON 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So my good friends A-Levels examinations are finally over. They would no more be studying for anything related to A-Levels. I wish them all the best for their results and their future undertakings now. Let me tell you, all of them have interesting ideas. Fashion empire, NGO for so many causes, flight attendent and God knows what else. Well have fun guys!

For me, I ended it June this year, never looked back a second and now venturing in my degree for Law. I dont know if this what I was born to do, but I am enjoying it.

Anyways, the reason I wrote this is to scream about the winner of The Amazing Race Asia Season 3(TARA S3)!!!!!WOOHOO!!!!If anyone does not know what this is, its the similar competition in America which is The Amazing Race. What this people do is, go to many countries around the world and try to accomplish a task to move on to another task which will take them to a whole different place. Friendship, loyalty, trust, and love are all tested here. Anyone hjoining this should be mentally, physically and emotionally strong. The winner for the past two seasons were MALAYSIAN!!!! This is the first time the Malaysians came on third and the winner is an all boys team and from Hong Kong(whatever Prash). I would like to congratulate Vince & Sam for winning this race like true champions. For the runner up, Geoff & Tish from Phillipines( I am guessing) thank you for entertaining us. ALthough, my whole family and most of my friends hatedf you Geoff but we cant deny, none the both of ya'll, there wouldnt be any source of entertainment for the show.

IDA & TANIA!!!!!I am so proud of you!!Please dont think that Malaysians are not proud of you. If anything we are full of pride knowing Malaysians will always be at the top for anything and that we are a bunch of helpful, considerate and excellent at team-work. And you showed it all. All the previous Malaysian teams have excellent team-work effort, and you are not left behind in that area. I know if you had not taken the wrong flight, the both of you would have reached first! Sadly, but not to worry. You both rocked!!!I was so inspired on how you both were at the last leg of the race. There was no tear, no looking-back, no regerets. You both were just seaping every moment of it, as if it were the best. I am honoured to be a Malaysian. Seeing all the previous Malaysian teams inclusive of this season, I have immense pride and respect for participants and for Malaysia. I have no idea whether many share my views, but I dont care.


(Last night, my friend and I were talking on our mobile and we were discussing about the TARA and he was telling me how it was now trying to get in excellent shape to be part of the game someday. He then told me he wanted to do it with me. And he added, "...but you have to loose more weight" and I replied "Look at AD & Fuzzie. She was fat but they manage top 4". And then he said "Yeah".

"When are we registering?")


Prash said...

i see

Anonymous said...

malaysia team no doubt is the best

Diran said...

you see what Prash?

Agreed, Calvin