Saturday, September 27, 2008


This song is for ME on my birthday, yesterday. This song is sung by my idol and im proud to have its lyrics here. Go and hear it! Oh bytheway "I was in da club, sippin on some buds"....12am on my birthday in a club!!!

Go shorty, it's Beyonce,
We gon' party like, it's ya birthday,
We gettin' naughty like, it's ya birthday
So put ya drink up in the air if you feel sexy!

I'm the with the hot ish, manolo blahnik,
Jimmy choo kicks, killin' it, who you with?
Me & my girls at the party with the diamond zinati's
I'm that classy mami with the Marilyn Monroe body.
I'm that fly chick 5*6 Marc Jacob mini
Ghetto fabolous, glamourous, its effortless
Make up light, we with my pastel luis
Designer scarf, work of art, rockin' vintage Gucci

You can find me in the club, sippin' on some buds,
Daddy I got what you need you's a sexy little thug,
Don't wanna be your girl I ain't lookin for no love,
So come give me a hug, sexy little thug.

You can find me in the club, sippin' on some buds,
Daddy I got what you need you's a sexy little thug,
Don't wanna be your girl I ain't lookin for no love,
So come give me a hug, sexy little thug.

My nails my hair my diamond rings,
Shining with all my fancy things,
My crib my car my clothes my jewels,
Why you mad? Cause I came up and I ain't changed.

I'm that girl wearing chanel pearls,
Chandeliers in my ears from Bailey Bank and Biddle
Ya feelin my style, ya feelin my flow
Hair sheek, smells sweet, like flow to flow?
I'm the lady sipping baileys while I strut like a model
If the ladies wanna hate me I jus send them a bottle
I kno I got it but don't flaunt it even though brothas want it,
Dancin' dirrty while I'm flirtin, 'cause he' checkin' up on me.

You can find me in the club, sippin' on some buds,
Daddy I got what you need you's a sexy little thug,
Don't wanna be your girl I ain't lookin for no love,
So come give me a hug, sexy little thug.

You can find me in the club, sippin' on some buds,
Daddy I got what you need you's a sexy little thug,
Don't wanna be your girl I ain't lookin for no love,
So come give me a hug, sexy little thug.

My nails my hair my diamond rings,
Shining with all my fancy things,
My crib my car my clothes my jewels,
Why you mad? Cause I came up and I ain't changed, ohhh

ohhh, ohhh ohhh, ohhh!
ohhh, ohhh ohhh, ohhh.
ohhh, ohhh ohhh, ohhh!
ohhh, ohhhoooooooooooooooooooooowww!! (into hook)

You can find me in the club, sippin' on some buds,
Daddy I got what you need you's a sexy little thug,
Don't wanna be your girl I ain't lookin for no love,
So come give me a hug, sexy little thug.

You can find me in the club, sippin' on some buds,
Daddy I got what you need you's a sexy little thug,
Don't wanna be your girl I ain't lookin for no love,
So come give me a hug, sexy little thug.

Monday, September 22, 2008


To the citizens of the United States of America from Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II:

In light of your failure in recent years to nominate competent candidates for President of the USA and thus to govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective immediately. (You should look up 'revocation' in the Oxford English Dictionary.)

Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over all states, commonwealths, and territories (except Kansas, which she does not fancy).

Your new Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, will appoint a Governor for America without the need for further elections. Congress and the Senate will be disbanded. A questionnaire may be circulated next year to determine whether any of you noticed.

To aid in the transition to a British Crown dependency, the following rules are introduced with immediate effect:


1. The letter 'U' will be reinstated in words such as 'colour,' 'favour,' 'labour' and 'neighbour.' Likewise, you will learn to spell 'doughnut' without skipping half the letters, and the suffix '-ize' will be replaced by the suffix '-ise.' Generally, you will be expected to raise your vocabulary to acceptable levels. (look up 'vocabulary').
2. Using the same twenty-seven words interspersed with filler noises such as ''like' and 'you know' is an unacceptable and inefficient form of communication. There is no such thing as U.S. English. We will let Microsoft know on your behalf. The Microsoft spell-checker will be adjusted to take into account the reinstated letter 'u'' and the elimination of '-ize.'
3. July 4th will no longer be celebrated as a holiday.
4. You will learn to resolve personal issues without using guns, lawyers, or therapists. The fact that you need so many lawyers and therapists shows that you're not quite ready to be independent. Guns should only be used for shooting grouse. If you can't sort things out without suing someone or speaking to a therapist,then you're not ready to shoot grouse.
5. Therefore, you will no longer be allowed to own or carry anything more dangerous than a vegetable peeler. Although a permit will be required if you wish to carry a vegetable peeler in public.
6. All intersections will be replaced with roundabouts, and you will start driving on the left side with immediate effect. At the same time, you will go metric with immediate effect and without the benefit of conversion tables. Both roundabouts and metrication will help you understand the British sense of humour.
7. The former USA will adopt UK prices on petrol (which you have been calling gasoline) of roughly $10/US gallon. Get used to it.
8. You will learn to make real chips. Those things you call French fries are not real chips, and those things you insist on calling potato chips are properly called crisps. Real chips are thick cut, fried in animal fat, and dressed not with catsup but with vinegar.
9. The cold, tasteless stuff you insist on calling beer is not actually beer at all. Henceforth, only proper British Bitter will be referred to as beer, and European brews of known and accepted provenance will be referred to as Lager. South African beer is also acceptable, as they are pound for pound the greatest sporting nation on earth and it can only be due to the beer. They are also part of the British Commonwealth - see what it did for them. American brands will be referred to as Near-Frozen Gnat's Urine, so that all can be sold without risk of further confusion.
10. Hollywood will be required occasionally to cast English actors as good guys. Hollywood will also be required to cast English actors to play English characters. Watching Andie Macdowell attempt English dialogue in Four Weddings and a Funeral was an experience akin to having one's ears removed with a cheese grater.
11. You will cease playing American football. There is only one kind of proper football; you call it soccer. Those of you brave enough will, in time, be allowed to play rugby (which has some similarities to American football, but does not involve stopping for a rest every twenty seconds or wearing full kevlar body armour like a bunch of nancies).
12. Further, you will stop playing baseball. It is not reasonable to host an event called the World Series for a game which is not played outside of America. Since only 2.1% of you are aware there is a world beyond your borders, your error is understandable. You will learn cricket, and we will let you face the South Africans first to take the sting out of their deliveries.
13. You must tell us who killed JFK. It's been driving us mad.
14. An internal revenue agent (i.e. tax collector) from Her Majesty's Government will be with you shortly to ensure the acquisition of all monies due (backdated to 1776).
15. Daily Tea Time begins promptly at 4 p.m. with proper cups, with saucers, and never mugs, with high quality biscuits (cookies) and cakes; plus strawberries (with cream) when in season.

God Save the Queen!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

8TV rockXXX!!!!!!!!!

I just finished watching 8TV's 'Dare 2 Dream' programme. It is about Malaysian people who have pursued their dreams and are being succesfull at it. I am not sure how long this programme have been going on but it was certainly good. Todays show was about an interior designer name Christopher Ong whos currently residing in NY, yes people, New York and working there. May I say that this show was excellent? I have no idea who are the people who were doing the interview, camera man, lighting man and editing man. It was AWESOME. I have never come across a Malaysian programme being done locally, in a sense, at an exceptionaly good point. I mean everything was perfect. From the ambience, to how they edit the dialog, the following him around doing his daily work part, interviewing his family and friends. I tell you, this show rocked. It gets a little bored at some point of time watching only all White man making shows about how successful they are all the time. And Malaysian people always think that we never can become famous. I mean the show explored zones that I never thought was possible for a local production. I am not sure who gave the idea to do this programme, but that person certainly deserves some sort of reward. I mean it was educational, inspiring, motivational and most certainly bold. Getting someone to say that while residing in NY, his heart and mind still belongs to Malaysia is something that nearly got me emotional. Its not everyday you hear that. And that dude wants a chance to make it big in Malaysia, to show what he has. I think he can do it. I hope some smart Malaysian tourism-involved company would give him a job that would allow him to show his talent here. It was nice to hear how he incorporated Malay, Chinese and African motiffs in his design. I mean generally one would have the stupid notion that one would only use motiffs of his own people. Apparently his far too brilliant then that. I love this sentence he said. It struck me.

"No matter how far you go, you will always go back to your roots". Beautifully said.

This show was terrific! I would love to see more. I hope the show takes leaps and bounds to make it excellent. Just dont stick with one genre. Go far, think far. Ask any questions, dont be similar all the way or you will then slowly become redundant. Dont choose by race, choose by merits and excellence. Choose Malaysians!

Just before I was watching this show, I noticed 8 TV was playing some 'Adam show thing'. I think 8 TV should be given some award la. They are helping the local media to have air time. Its really good to watch. And they're shows show how Malaysians are. Its good. Its show reality in the sense of how we speak and how life is in Malaysia. Not fake presentation, by the sense of language and clothing. Not like the national channels. They bore people to death. Always perfect bahasa, always baju kurung, always the same facial expression whether sad or happy, and always have moral stories. Nobody wants to watch stories with un related moral stories every other show. We do know whats reality you know.

8Tv has so many good Malaysian series not Malay series. Although, can i put forward some suggestions? Thanks:

1) Plese try and put in more Malaysians in the story, as in not just of one race. Put Malaysians in. More Sabahans and Sarawakians, Chinese, Indian, Chindian, Nyonya's, Cinabhai and Indian Muslims. This what makes us Malaysian.

2) I think you should spend more on the show so it has quality. Not that it doesnt but watch Zee Tv on 108 or those Indon series. See how the deco is, their clothes, their style. Thats what catches peoples interest. Promote batik, kebaya, Malaysian style cheongsam, sarees and those indigenous motiffed clothing. Get local designers to borrow their clothes. They would be more then happy as you are doing them a favour by publicising it for them and n a way promoting Malaysians style of clothes.

3)Have better publicity. Publicise more. So that people will know your show and you will gain more viewers.

4)Have better story line. Seriously, your stories are good. As 8 TV is willing to take these shows and play it. But go throught the whole production. Make it more dramatic. Come on, when we watch drama's and series we just dont want to watch something light. For that we have comedy series. You have to increase your drama. Scream more, have people dying, friendship breaking, love problem, in-laws problem, family problem, sibling fights, rape, murder, lots of crying, lost of sadness and loss. One thing I notice that lacks in Malaysian dramas and series is lack of passion when they act. There are so many talents out there that can be tapped. How come when this actors and actress acts bad, the directors dont say anything. Cant they easily say "we are taking you off the show if you dont commit and put yourself in it"? How hard can that be? Look at the talents the American people produce. You can really see the passion. OK lets not go so far as to Hollywood, look at the Asian people. The Chinese , Indian, Indonesian, Thailand, Japanese and Korean actors and actress. They're labour cost is dirt cheap especially India and China, yet they're performance is good. How come you cant get the locals to be the same?

5) Get your talents from the theatre! You need dramatic actors and actress who can play a character or role. Viewers want a show where its worth watching. Not a show that will put them to sleep. Get them to talk loud. Not talk like church mouses. Get them to be DRAMATIC!!!!

6) Get your jokes to be funny. Get your story line connected. Heck, get your conversation with anothers connected. Most of it, you cant seem to connect the question and answers together. Get your script writting done well. Get professors/academicians or someone who is good to do it.

7)The directors, producer. No, the whole production crew should just one day just sit down and watch channel 108, Zee Tv and watch Star World, 711. Just watch all the shows and learn the lighting, sound system, the drama involved, the emotion involved, how the camera is angled. Get ideas from there! Get inspired!

8) Ok this one is huge. Since, they are more shows coming up. I think we should have our own Emmy Awards or something. You know, giving awards to local series. Dont just put all in the Anugerah Filem thing. Have this. Have Malaysian style Emmy's. Atleast this will spur the local industry to be more competitive and be more succefull. Since they are alot of shows and I think more are coming up, I think this point should be really considered.

I think recently, more and more local private Malaysian TV houses are showing more Malaysian production shows then overseas, especially from Indonesia and this is good as this will increase the realisation about local shows.

Thus, I wish the TV houses to showcase more local productions. By Malaysians for Malaysians. Make us proud. Not put us to sleep. We know you can do it. Just put your brains together and you can do it. I can help to go furher in details of this if you would try and contact me.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Managers of a diva generation

Oh I love this title! Its from the local Star Publication on Wednesday 17 September 2008. This article caught me by its title. And as soon as I read it, I got hooked on it. There is also another write up, in MSN today, on this similar topic. Both of this article are loosely based on the fact that parents in this century are hovering over their children even after graduation period.

Now reading all of this made me wonder and ponder on the truth and false of it all. In the past genereation, the likelyhood of any children entering a university is so so scarce. What more a college? Most university graduates at that era, of course, by and large turns into some nobel person. Famous artist, scientist, historian and the list goes on. Those day, the academicians were choosen to enter mainly because of blood ties and the rest which are countable, by their brains and they are always poor. No disabled. Middle class did not exist back then. It was either rich and you continue being rich, or poor and you continue being poor. Of course some lauretes to take as an example are Elbert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton. Now I wouldnt say they entered the university as soon as they reached puberty or that they were of royal families. I have no idea on the history and background chapter of these famous people. But on the basics, we all know, that sooner or later they did enter the university. Now, this past that i reffered to was the in the 10th-19th century. Slowly, in the 20th century, application to universities grew. An it grew at such an alarming rate. New blocks were to be built. New hostel, food outlets, laundry room and etc. New teachers, new courses, more books, more tables and chairs and so forth. Back then, most family were still having the post-world war affect(depending where you come from). Food, water and shelter was scarce. People were maturing at the age of age between 12-13, earlier then now. Here, when I talk about maturity it does not only include the physical aspects but also mentally. Most boys follow the footsteps of their fathers becoming brave hearts and daughters becoming housewives looking after their youngs, just like their mother. Although others became teachers and nurses and doctors, most was self learned. Most was done due to force. In the Europe, UK and America, basic education was not only a struggle for women but it was also something to fight for by the man. When people entered university, parents were always on the impression that it was not good, as this young children could use their young energy to generate more income by working in minefields or for the country( basically man) and marry and have lots of children, feed and nurse them( basically women). Ironic, isnt it? Now they condenm the Asians.

Back then entering to an education field is not something parents look forward too. However, when you are in, they expect the best and since they have had no previous experience in dealing with all of these issues, they leave it to their children to decide. Title of careers started back then. Thats why now only people can choose and decide what to become and etc. Everything was the pioneer then. And then it was experience later on.

Back to the future, this few articles talk about how children are so dependent on their parents on everything that they cant do anything on their own. Children needs them to think for them even after university from job application, to leave permission, mc's and even asking the HR manager about the salary and job involvement.I am far too lazy to quote any of the sentence from the article. So dont think about it. Its sore to note that these writers think that kids these days are so unreliable. Although, I have to agree part of it. But if I were to speak from my own experiences, I did not have my parents doing any talking for me. I basically did everyting. Almost all my friends who have gradauated and worked are very independent and reliable and are good decison makers. I am not sure on what unsurreal evidence are these writters using as their source for the article, but I have to disagree.

What is so wrong if parents feel they have to play a greater role in their childrens education? In their childrens graduation course? In their childrens working life? Over time, experience will make them tougher and smarter. You cant expect kids to just jump the wire without getting hurt. And all these parents wants to do is cushion the pain, or if possible tear down the wire so that they go through nothing. With such complicated documents to fill, time shortage and everything to be done in an instant, its hard for kids/teens/graduates to jugle and play master to all of it. Of course, mom and dad also has to know when to draw the line. But here, the articles are mainly accusing parents of being similar to 'helicopters', constantly hovering over their childrens life. Additionally, they also claim that the mobile phone has been termed "the worlds longest umbilical cord".

Frankly, I think the article is one that can be heavily criticised in the terms of higlighting the issue and yet putting it out as if families should not be together. Dont mistake me as misunderstanding on the whole issue. I know what the writters are trying to say and who are they are trying to reach out too. But they, I belive, do not have their perspectives right. I doubt that these writters themselves have not done what they have wrote. I can not imagine what kind of parents would they then be? When 3/4 or more of the parental percentage around the world is doing this 'helicopter-ing', it could probably be them who are in the balance 1/4 of the portion who are not dong anything. And in the eyes of 'helicoptre' parents and 'diva' childrens, their approach towards a childs up bringing would be totally frowned upon. Actually, I can already immagine how uncontrolled and badly behave their children are. They will definitely be, since they seem to be on the notion that parents shouldnt be helping thier children make decisions.

Majority families come from the middle class or lower class(and all the in betweens), hence they would not only want to see their children succesful but also that they do not fall down. Of course, this writters surely must come from some rich upper class families to actually even say these things. Most families cant afford having their children making mistakes as the parents work night and day, 2 or 3 shifts to ensure that their children have all and enough guidance through books and tuitions. So, what is wrong if they continue helping a little bit more?

Generally speaking, I think these writters are writting on the facts and figures in Western countries. Its relateable to the Asian nations, but we hardly make noise on it. Independece and freedom of speech in Asian countries are hardy heard off, until lately. But of course, even so, we still thread on thin ice. We dont make noise of it, not just because we are accustomed to it but also because we are not allowed to have a say. From the day we were born, clothes we wear, things we do, words to use, where to go, what to study, whom to marry, whom to please, how many children to have and etc. All of this has been the way of life here. However, it is changing. But still on thin ice. Eventhough having our parents do everything, we never find ourselves diva-ish. We dont cry everytime we fall, we dont whimper everytime we fail, we dont scream everytime we bleed. We do nothing. We are as strong as our fore fathers. We are as stubborn yet humble as our parents. How come Asians never face this problem? How come we can have our parents to do everything for us (even telling us what to do and expect on the first night), yet at the end of they day hold a managerial post, drive a BMW and have a lovely family with two houses across the globe? How come the Whites(if I may say that) are so fragile, that a little help, kills them. A little love, bounds them. A little motivation, smashes them.

It is sad to wonder how these people are then going to live their lives. We are the Gen IT. Not X or Y. We dont belive in delay-dalying work. We dont belive in sucking up to our seniors for extra salary, sleep with the bossess to earn a higher post. We earn them because we deserve them. Just because this old farts can no longer squeeze womens butt as they like or tell them to be bedded first before they receive their new higher position, maybe thats why they complaint that these generation are diva's and cant make any decisons. Everytime we cry on this is because we have laws! Man seniors can no longer push around the smaller ones or bash them up because they feel like it, is that why they complained? Talk about self-fish. So parents butt in. So that their children wont be pushed over. So that their children wont mix with the wrong crowd.

Even so, if the kids just continue to allow their parents to hover over them, I strictly belive that there will come a time that their children will feel overly pressured and will tell their parents to "back off".

These writter I belive wrote this with having their best intention at heart. But if anything, they should have also written from the prospective of a parent and a child.

Not just to have a sell-out article.

And they are talking about coming from the generation of being able to make good decisions!Pfft...

Such DIVA'S!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Are you saying I am Gay?.....So what if I am?

*Just finished lunch break, hovering in the college*

Friend: You're cute and funny and such a drama you pull!(excited laugh)
Diran: Oh thanks!*shy*
Foe: Hence, I think you're gay.
Friend/Diran: What???
Foe: Yeah, I think you're gay because of the above. Why must you laugh too much? Get excited over things that are not interesting? You're such a drama queen!
Friend: Don't be ridiculous. He is not! Diran *putting her hand on my hand to calm me down*, even if you are, I am ok with it.*assuring smile*
Diran: Thanks, but I am not. *Then turn and looks at Foe* You're jugding me that I am gay just because of what I do? How I laugh? Don't you think for a budding lawyer, you are a bit over the top on this?
Foe: Why cant you admit it and let us all get over with it? We are ok with whatever are your sexual preference. I think Fairuz* is cute!
Diran: He may be. I am not bothered. Wait, wait, wait. Why should I admit something I am not to all of you just so that you can get on with life? *gritting my teeth* Dont you think you're being pejudiced and self-fish?
Foe: Thats the style of the new world, babeh! Plus, if its for my benefit, what have I got to loose?
Diran: Me being gay, benefits you? How so?
Foe: Well, firstly, I can have a new best friend, because gay guys are so sensitive and they know womens heart so well. Men are such jerks and boring cows. Well cows are boring. But anyways, secondly, we can talk fashion all day long and you wont get bored! Thirdly...*drifitng away*
Friend: Yup!Agreed!*quips*
Diran: *Turn and look at Friend in astonishment* You agree with her? And here i thought you are on my side? Damned friends I have. Listen, I am not gay. Why are you so bothered whether if I am gay? My life does nto revolve around you. It does not affect you. And my sexuality preference are on girls, thank you very much.
Foe: Now, you listen here young man! I believe you are gay and I would love to leave it at that!
Diran: Well, sorry to you bitch! I am not allowing that. People are so discriminative. The world is fighting about races, heck, they cant even have justice based on gender which only has two party's and there they are thinking about which race is better. Stupid! How can you say I am gay, when your hair is as short as my neighbours army son? How can you say I am gay when you where pants and working top? How can you say I am gay when you walk as if you are going to fight with someone? How can you say I am gay when you go on and on about how beautiful Syireen* is?
Foe: Woah there boy! Back off will yah? I am not gay and I know that! I like my hair kept short, its easier to maintain. I like to wear pants and top, its easier to work in and in a law working area, its only right. I walk like that since young, ok? She is beautiful la, I am appreciating God's gift. Nowadays, guys where pink clothes, they're closer/best friends are becoming girls, they walk and talk like girls and they tell that this guy or that guy is cute. And they are being sensitve, they cry when they read poems and tear when they watch sad movies. Sun must not touch their skin, clothes must be branded and expensive. They know all the cosmetique brands. Must always look good. Yada, yada, yada.
Diran: Some of your answers sounds dumb. But yet it sounds right. You know why? Because thats what you think. Thats what you want to think. I dont know which coconut shell you are under, I think you have not seen the world at large.
1) Pink is the new blue. And that was what? In 2003?
2) Is it wrong to have girls to be their best-er friends? Not all guys want to talk again and again about footballs, how talkative or how hot this and that(not hot at all) girls are, who they want to bang and drink beer all day long. Man too one too have intellectual conversation, rather then having rubbish or repetitive conversation. Man find women more conversation-able to talk to then to male counterparts. Whats wrong if they talk to women abit like them? Women dont like men swearing infront of their faces, so do you want men talking like that? Then fine, fuck you bitch! Why cant we shed a tear on a good sad movie? Men must not appreciate the finer things in life? Why cant we feel connected to a peom read? Sun? HELLO! Do you know whats global warming or not? Have you read the latest statistics on death by skin cancer? What are you laughing about? Not everyone desires to die and suffer with skin cancer like you ok! We all think life is much more wonderful then that! So we apprecite good health habits. So we think clean shaven is better looking then street bum. So we think branded and classiness shows a certain success, builts confidence and at the end of the day, attracts the opposite side. All these are wrong? All these make us gay? Seriously la bitch, I dont think you would be a successful lawyer like this. You dont have a solid argument, you're just going around being prejudiced and you are saying people are gay just because of the above. Equally, I also want to say you are gay. You're not as feminine women should be. You should be cooking then studying. You should be keeping your mouth shut when men speaks. You should look down and show your courtseys and when you see people. You shouldnt smoke in public, or rather at all. You shouldnt be talking to man. You shouldnt be saying another girl looks nice in 'that skirt'. You shouldnt say "I wish had Rihanna's hair". You shouldnt have all those things! But have you not said and done all of it? Yes you have? So shouldnt you be gay too?
Friend: People, chill already. *hands in the air*
Diran/Foe: Shut up!
Friend: *Bewildered*
Foe: Easily said then proven. Just because you can go on crapping all day long about what defines gay and what does not, it will not change my perception of you. You are gay. Period.
Diran: *all red in anger* True. Come to think of it, I dont care what you think of me. I can fuck you here, now itself, and make you scream in pleasure just to proove to you that I am not gay. But frankly, I dont care what you think of me. In few years down the road I wont even remember you. And I am living my life the way I see fit. If I act like a gay man, and wear gay clothes and have gay and girl friends, I think thats entirely up to me and my senses. It has nothing whatsoever to you. You will anyways, remain a two faced stupid irratating ugly bitch. I swear the day you were born! Have a great day.
Foe: FINE!
Diran: *does a 180 and leaves*
Friend: C'mon Diran, dont be upset. Its not like you lost anything.
Diran: I am not upset. In fact, I won everything. Going to the loo, wanna come?\
Friend: Sure.
Foe: I am going. But without you.
Diran: Whatever.

*15 minutes later, an ambulance and a police car is waiting down at the entrance)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Karti........So long.......

My friend is leaving me to further his education. Its in Manipal India. Yes, to be a Doctor. Sad, is an understatement now. My emotions are all mixed now. I am sad for him leaving and me being best friend-less but I am also equally happy for him as he is pursuing his ambiton, his dream. I am sure this happens to everyone at least once. I will definietly miss him. Thrice a week I and him will hang out at our favourite spot, a McD near our place. We would car pool. Hence, he would fetch me once and I do the next and it goes on and on for the past 3-4 months. We also jogged everyday without fail at a park near our place. We would talk and talk and bitch and bitch until the sun sets. Before 'lepak-ing' a local Malaysian term for hanging out, we would catch a movie in a mall near our place. So after the movies are over, we would hang out McD until about 2am, max. It was so fun. We would jog and go back home. 3 hours later we will meet up for a movie, then McD. Surprising thing is we never got bored and we have all kinds of things to talk about. From girls to boys, home to food, mom to cousins, school to transport, politics to weather, life to end.

It was beautiful.

Initially there was three of us in May, but the other one was with us for like 2 weeks only I think. He had to enter the local uni by then. Its in UM. For medicine too. I wasnt so much as upset with that guy then this. He was the one I shared my all. Dont have dirty thoughts ok! But yeah, I told him everything. My every tear and joy was with him. He knows all. Like wise here too. Its going to be so empty now. He has been my friend since form 1. You know how we met each other? It was in our school bus. Me and my another friend was talking about something and he overheard us and we started talking after that. Soon his friends became ours and ours became his. We were also having our classes next to each other. Boy, couldnt we wait for classes to end. We would run to the balcony and start talking, fighting, gossipig, you name it. There were so many atimes when we would run to each other in classes carrying broomsticks trying to wack each other. But our ego never came between us. He has a mighty ego, mind you. And so do I. But the thing is, it never came between us. Never. And thats the best part. Soon we became such good friends. We shared everything. Same clubs, same sports and later on if I am not mistaken same uniforms. We became prefects toghether. Drama, public speaking, story tellling(boy was that some story competition!) and Bahasa Melayu debate. Same school bus up till form 3 and then he had to change to another. We were so alike. Our date of births matched. Our lucky numbers, our likes and dislikes. Good Lord! We were so similar. Theres always been four us. People use to call us many names. We were such hero's in schools. Everyone knew who we were. Anything we touch, would be gold(literally). No teacher did not know our names by hard, no students did not know us, senior or junior. Even other school students knew us. We were in the same tuition and all four us would hog the up most front seats. Every other table had 5-6 people sitting in it, but ours had only the four of us and we allowed no one to come and take our spot. There was a few times, not many, but few when some other students would sit there, new or old, by accidently or on purpose and when we come into the class we would give them this one look that none of them would want to mess with us and they would automatically get up. We were taunted, cursed and were bitched at. But likewise, we did the same. And eye for an eye they say. And whenever its us, we make it a huger then huge event. When we want to bring someone down, all four of us will set our minds toghether and we would bring that person down until he/she whimpers. Trust me, we did. We were superb. Damn I miss my school life.

Why does it take a minute to say hello , but it takes forever to say goodbye?

Of course over time, emotions built up, hormones raged and things took a toll. Lets not go into details, but some of us fought and didnt talk but of course we got back to each other as usual. Charmed One's, they called us that. After the famous tv series. Thing is, we allways wanted it to be four but it always came out in threes. Always. We were never sure why, till these day, we are not sure on the whole physics of it. But it has always been like that. Just like the Charmed One's, theres four girls but only three has the role. And I guess its in that spirit, that the charm is taking care of us. At this point, I dont care what people think about me and my friends. What we are is what we are. I would never change it for the world. We were, are and always will be the best four friends the world has ever seen. The dictionary has our picture in it to define the word 'best friends'. I know that no distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendshp that all of us had. Boy, writting this has brought in memories I have shelved behind my mind for years. For years, all of us were fearing this day. Where all of us would leave and be away. Of course you may say with all the techno possibilities in the world, theres isnt such thing as separation. Well, we prefer the physical touch of each other. The whole live action. We are of course no sex figures, or something out of Sex and the City of whatever. But we are the queesential best friend.

Once he goes, I have no one here to go out everyday with. I have no one. I am back to square one. Probably at the age of 4? I will now need to venture into the deep dark blue sea, with all its sharkes and whales and dolphins, just to find new friends. Or maybe even just friend. For now I believe I may not be able to find someone like any of them, to put the trust and faith I put into them. But if God given, I might. I am not sure if I am dependen on friends. I am still self identifying myself. What a perfect moment. When my degree starts, and my friends goes and with family issues. This is my biggest challenge yet in life. To sort all of this and make it succeed. Thing is, I may not one it to be in order, but we'll leave this topic for a latter day.

I cant belive writting all this is actually swelling up my eyes. I may be dramatic but I dont really cry for fun. I guess people have their moments. Its not like his going forever. But stil where is the good in goodbye? He will be back every 6 months though. But you know how it is, people change. We mature, move on, etcetra etcetra. For this, I too have too move on and like I said, venture into newer seas. Well I dont think I can write anymore for todays topic. Here is where I intend to end it.

~Karti, you will always be in my mind~

this is an ode to you my best friend.

"Bye Bye-Mariah Carey"

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fasting and Me

Its the fasting month of the Ramadhan. Now should I go 'Woohoo!' or "Dear God, here we go again"? Did I just commit blesphemy? Damn!

So the good news is, I have been succesfully (touch wood!) fasting for the past nine days. The bad news is, I cant wait for it to end. Hey do you know there are many benefits to fasting. Now the Islamic reasons of fasting are that:
a) It increase your discipline in controlling or craving for something that you want to eat.
b) It makes you understand the suffering of the under privilaged people.
c) It makes you closer to God as you think more of him and perform more prayers to obtain his blessings.
d) It increases your stamina while doing your daily chores with no food or drink involved, hence making you more innovative.
e) Ooh, and of course the fact that you will loose weight!

Now thats the whole goody sides of fasting. But I've also found out that there are also the naughty benefits. It

a) increases your stamina in bed after a full one month break. Your wife or partner better be ready to fill in some big shoes.(wink!)
b) increases your libido by leaps and bounds. As you know, Muslims cant do anything naughty,yes even ejaculating, while in the fasting month. I mean we can, but theres some procedures to follow.
c) does also, you become more horny but I guess it is in a good sense as in you can pry for your mate but not touch her/him, for some time that is. It helps knowing how to control.
d) You ejaculate more making everyone wetter and well, wetter.

Although, this is not meant to be a raunchy entry but I just wanted to type all this here. This is in order that I dont forget my reasons to fast. This whole fasting thing wil last a month then a week of celebration visiting enemies and actually mouthing forgiveness to them(damn right I will!), friends, relatives and paying visits to the grave. Fasting is basically a way to delete sins and add blessings. Short and simple. Lets not get complicated.

Surprisingly, I havent felt like skipping my fasting days so far. Last year I did a whole 31. Shocked? I know. But this year I have scheduled one day or two, for not fasting. Can't tell you the dates now can I? Sin? What's sin? *smilling*

Gosh, I havent started the whole Malaysian culture of gobling all the food in the world down my throat yet. Oh yeah, I think I failed to mention, my Dads a big eater and he assumes the whole family is and the would-be generations is. I may be big in size, but my helpings are alwyas small, of course exceptions to certain food. Anyways, I havent hit the locar 'pasar malam' so far, Malaysian style Food Bazaar for some local treats and delicacies. I even dont know why my Dad has reduced his food intake into more then half. Probably the whole health thing is kicking into his brain. So yeah. we have yet to divulged to piles of food this month. I guess I should try it in days to come.

Wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Gender Equalisation

So there was this huge furore recently about gender equalisation, sexism, and anything that has got to do with womens rights. So i was reading it, and hell yeah, I was supporting it. I read more and more as it was a full length article in the newspapers. Later on I came online to catch up with e-mails and stuffs and I read certain blog sites with more gender related issues. It was interesting at first, until suddenly it hit me. And this is what mainly I am going to write about today.

You know, its really funny how it seems when women always complains about lack of equality when it comes to anything from house to work. Its really sad to see that it is however very true indeed. Women always are conformed to house hold duties that it has plagued man on the fact that it is the only thing that they should be doing. Women should not be holding jobs higher than that. Its not fair at all to treat women as if they are lower then dirt and to think that they should always be subservant to man, generally towards the husband. Sadly, Asian countries practice this most widely. Althought the White-Nations self-proclaim that they, dont but these things dont really dissapear easily. Asians have this stupid notion that women should not be better then man and should not be able of being the sole bread winner or even play any part of the bread winner of the family. It somehow degrates the mans capabilities. Or so they claim. I mean if it is feasible that women can be the bread winner at the same time being able to juggle family duties, then why not? Wouldnt it be good to share the burden? And how come women must just clean, cook, take care of the childrens needs and attend to the husbands needs and desire, be a friends whose filled with emotions, treat their In-Laws like Gods and still be in good terms with their family? Why, a man is never near that. He cant clean his clothes, cook and what more when you leave your children with him? He's the child then. He and his friends would mostly go play ball or watch ball. They talk nothing but about euphoric activities that have to do with sports and when they feel like it they would be nice to their In-Laws. Its funny how man has the right to be that, but not the women. Whats even more fascinating is that women are the ones carrying the babies in their wombs for 9 months and bearing all the labour pains. And man has no such responsibility. How come then the women are treated more badly? I havent even started on the practises of generations back when they used to kill infant girls. Women are so degraded in the society. But sadly, it doesnt stop there. It even reaches out to our history books, the religion be it the Bible or the Torah. I am not sure about the Koran though. But whats peculiar is that all religion and beliefs and schools of thougths agrees on one thing, that what is above is as below and what is black is also white. The whole opposite theory. Hence, the whole confucious teaching of balancing the Yin and Yang is a must. How can you then degrade women and uphold the honour of a man and trying to attain a pure balance in the universe? Women have been constantly measured by their capabilities of being a wife, than a worker. A mother, than a friend. A daughter, than a lover.

But of course in this 21st century, thats highly impossible anymore. Now, with women vying higher posts in companies, becoming partners for associatons, heck even Prime Ministers and Presidents of countries, it shows womean are capable of holding high post without jeopardising their family. Gloria Macapagal, President of the Philippines, Megawati Sukarnoputri, President of Indonesia, Khaleda Zia Prime Minister of Bangladesh to name a few. Of course now it would be the ever so famous Hilary Clinton and Sarah Palin of the McCain group. You see, over the past few years, women have risen up in the public eye and are holding positions that are vastly important. Frankly, if I were to just write the names of women who are holding prominent positions the list will not end.

The good news is, more and more women are speaking up to abuses, sexism, harrasment and everything alikes. This opens up peoples eyes around the world on this disdainful practices. Laws, societies and forums are enacted and held in every country these days. This is good. I am totally in green light for all of this. But recently something cropped up. And its a funny thing really. Now women go on and on about gender equalisation but how come they havent played their part? One of the many are that theres this thing that women hates in a man when they enter the toilet. Its how we never put the seat down once we are done. They go on fussing and cussing about the whole petty issue. What is funny is that, I dont see a point in the whole thing. First, they arent many man who really do that, as in even bothering to lift up the toilet seats or putting it down,evenmore. Even when they know man are like that, then why the hassle of the fuss? Its not like we ever listen. Plus heres the one million dollar question, how come they never carry up the seat once they are done? Why is it that man always have to play the darker sex? The one who does all the work and get credit for none? We are shouted even more, cussed and fussed and everything else mentionable even more! How come women cant pull and push our seats when we sit? How come they cant open the door for us? How come they cant do anything relatively easy? But we should do all the hardwork. Ok, maybe I am asking to much here.

I dont want to stray to far. Lets go back to the whole toilte issue. Men, dont you agree with me? Why cant the women put the seats up rather then leaving it down once they are done? We arent going to fuss, heck we'll be happier! I of course stand up for women on the issue of gender equalisation. But over the years, I too feel it that men are being pushed more and more to the side in order for women to rise. How come? How come women have to do that to get what they want? How come we men never do that? Well, dont count in the fist fight though.Anyways, the whole spectrum of equalisation in gender issuess is a colourful one, yet know one knows where it stops. So do we now come to an agreement? Should man put the seats up or down from now on? Thats the million dollar question I want to win.

No matter, I still feel women should put the seat up once they've finished their business!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Merdeka Day it seems

Ok. Probably I am a slow writer. I am not sure why do I blog things when they are way overdue. Well, reasons i cant think of anyways. But today it would be the theme of Merdeka. Malaysia just celebrated her 51st birthday of independence from the colonizers. Well sadly, I didnt find the country was in anywhere near celebratory mood. There was some hoo-hah. But that was when it was a day or two before the celebration day and two days after it to. I have come to a conclussion on why this has heppened. I guess its mainly because the politicians were mainly concerned on their positions and whether Anwar would be ruling anytime soon. Its really stupid to see that they would rather get themselves tangled in this ridiculous thougths then too celebrate the countrys independence. At least the rakyat would know they are brave enough not to be bewildered by the oppsitions. Sadly, this goons are nowhere there.

So anyways, as i said it was a rather dull day.For the first time i didnt go anywhere to celebrate it. And i forgot the date of the day. So when my cousins came down from Ipoh to my home, I decided to take them out to Juru. Heavens behold, the place was in a total mash. We could hardly move. And traffic was long and looked like it wouldnt have ended till the wee hours. Then we noticed from afar that the other part of AutoCity was having some concert showcasing singers from China. We were wondering what was the whole celebration about until we saw this huge LCD board, rumours has it costed RM2mil to install, that it was Merdeka. Me and my cousins were like ,"it is?". OK Happy Merdeka everyone. And they were like, "Yah, you too". Sense the excitement?

What couldnt register in me was the later part when I started thinking about the whole concert. I mean why in the world would you want to hire foreign singers, performers, entertainers and the likes to entertain us for the night belting out songs that are well, foreign to us? I am not racist, thats for one.But why bring these chinese singers from mainland China and Hong Kong to come all the way here to sing songs that has nothing to do with the Independence Day or even Malaysians. Arent it at this point that the organisers should come to their senses and invite Malaysian artist to come and sing? Well, Malaysia just doesnt have Malay singers only these days, you know. We have Reshmonu, Jaclyn Victor, Vince and so on. So how come they couldnt have performed infront of us? If you want international, we have Chennele and Nicholas Teo and other Malaysian Chinese who speaks good Malay and English, that are based in U.S and China respectively, to come and perform here. To add on, there are so many Malay singers that are awesome, how come none was invited? What are these dumb organisers trying to proove? You know at my previous blog I did mention that the organisers shouldnt be afraid of inviting these international performers to come and perform here. But at least do it with some sense. Since you are already under-fire for calling 'other types' of performers to perform, why cant they atleast help the local ones? They are not bad. Trust me. If given a choice I would rather go for Malaysian singers then Chinese singers. Its not the language barrier. Culture and language is never a barrier in music. Its what makes it even more beautiful, but on Indepence Day?These people?What would they know about our country's Independence?Do they even know what Merdeka is? Who P.Ramlee is? The Negaraku? I tell you, it was a huge mistake to invite these poeple who knows two hoots about the country. If the organisers are claiming this is the only way to attract people, then i beg to differ. They must have not gone to the KLCC celebration.

Given a choice, I would not invite these people on such and important day. You know theres this whole huge hoo-haa going on about citizenship rights and all. Well, the organisers should have made it as if we were celebrating Merdeka in Malaysia rather then China's Independence Day in Malaysia. There are these things where other people says things about race and they get all upset and start war of words, right? Well at least if you had used your brains to do something right then it would have been ok to verbally fight. But nothing of such transpired. Ridiculous! By right Malay, Chinese and Indian songs should have been sung, P.Ramlee's song, songs that invokes patriotism, the Negaraku and many things that are of these which are Malaysian in all. Sadly, nothing.I'd be damned if they proclaim it was a fully Malaysian celebration then. Since, Malaysians have this habit of saying anything white-man made is good then how come they never practice what they preach? On July 4th, performers and etc celebrating their Independence Day are always Americans. And they do it so proudly and patrioticly. The whole of Europe is no different. Indonesia had some grand day. India too. How come Malaysia didnt?How come we are always practising double-standards on ourselves and on the local performers.If the white's are so great, tell me then how come you came here?How come you stayed here? This goes to all Malaysians of no particular race in mind. We should have just let the bumi's who are the orang asli's that lives in the forest to run this country. They have a better sense of patriotism and pride for the country.

Malaysian Independence Day was totally quashed by non-Malaysian people. BRAVO oranisers! You just made Malaysia proud.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ampang Medikal...What a Spoof

Oh Dear Lord, typing this itself is making me laugh to tears.Hahahaha. Ok, we all know how stupid and really boring Malaysian dramas are were those days right? However, nowadays, I know some may not agree with me, but I think its improving. So anyways, theres this new show called Ampang Medikal. I am not sure when it started showing it on our TV, but I am assuming its about two weeks back, forgive me if I am wrong. So I guess, with the hype of E.R and Greys Anatomy and House, one of the "many" Malaysian drama directors decided to make a drama Malaysian style, by Malaysian for Malaysian. Well, I applaud the move and thought. But I have many disgrunttles about it and I would love to share it while laughing my ass out loud. Haha.

So anyways, me and my sister was watchin some show on Astro last Tuesday,if I am not mistaken, and channel 107 was playing Ampang Medikal. So i got all excited an thought, "Lets give it a shot!" Lets watch it. After a few disputes with my sister on wasting our time watching mindless malay dramas, we might as well watch something international and better, but I won the case, no matter. So we clicked to 107. It started something like this.

*note that I do not know their names and sadly I have to go by race to identify them, fogive me*

Malay Doctor: -smtg-, your fathers dying. < a tiny minuscule frown, barely noticeable >

Son of that dying father: -smtg-, I dont care. He is no longer my father blah blah blah.

Chelsia Ng(in malay): Tapi bapa awak memerlukan awak. Kami berfikir yang awak bolehlah melihatnya.

Son of that dying father: No, i wont < reactionless >

Malay Doc: < Looks at that Son for 5 seconds , looks at Chelsia Ng for 3 seconds and looks down, reactionless >

Chelsian Ng: < repeats the above, trying to fake a terrible sad face >

...............scene ends................... was so funny watching that scene. The whole thing took less then 2 minutes if I am not mistaken. Please note the dialog of the above is not the actual one. There are others too. What I wrote is just the gist of it. Anyhow, it was so funny. Me and my sister just laughed and laughed. We wondering what just happened. It wasnt a sad moment, neither was it a I-hate-my-father-son-moment. I have no idea what moment in a normal persons life that I could relate too. No one was with any expression. It was like telling them Look sad! OK now look down! Ok now look at each other! The word Fake here is an understatement. Tthey were so funny. Let me assure you it wasnt a sad moment, it was actually a happy moment. Hahaha.

........another scene directly after the whole scene above..............

Malay Doc: < -smtg beeps, I think . She starts running and the camera goes slow motion. Then she sways her hands as if shes going to dive in a pool, pushes through two nurses and rather then flinging a door open shes trying to unlock the door. >

In the room.....

Patient: Ahh...< dying and having some attck >
Wife of patient: Ape sudah jadi ngan suami saya x2 < Now imagine this well. She doesnt scream but says it out loudly. The style of it was when you say 'Hey, Ho!'...Now can you imagine? >
Nurse: Medical terms...umm....medical terms...ahh...medical terms somemore...ummm....< thats how she read it, while looking at the chart of the patients health. >

.......................I switched channel......................................

Again dont take all the dialog into consideration as I cant remember it fully.

It was so funny.Haha.Oh My GOD, you cant imagine the laughter me and my sister erupted into. Haha. Even typing this story itself makes me tear. First, I have no idea why would the camera man decide on a slow motion scene and I also have no idea why she swayed her hand so high, to avoid the nurse, she should have just shouted out loud "MOVE!" to show the urgency. She was runing so slow, that she was just short of wearing a Baywatch bikini suit to create a Baywatch scene in it. Thirdly, why did she not fling the door open rather then unlocking it? Probably, Malaysian hospital doors are like that?I am not sure, but that was pretty funny. Imagine it was an emergency and you're actually trying to unlock the door first. Patients could be dead by then. Then when she entered.Ahahahahahahahahahahaha. I have no idea who was that wife-lady. She was so so so fake. She was like , head high to the left and say it out loud "Ape dah jadi ngan suami saya". Now turn head to the right, high, and say it out loud "Ape dah jadi ngan suami saya". Please note it was not wife-concerned-of-husbands health question. It was "oh lets get this over it" kinda question. And it didnt look like they knew what to do. The nurse then says some medical terms while reading the charts and doesnt seem to know how to say it and shes babling with lots of 'umm' and 'ahhs'. I tell you it was disastorous.

I wouldnt go to that hospital even if my life depended on it. I am serious. We all know for a Malaysian to come up with something as good as E.R and those dramas as avove is abit to much to ask. But we at least would love to hope to watch a show with some logic sense and good acting. I have no idea how they were cast. Frankly speaking, that Malay doc wouldnt have made the cut for me. I dont know about the other docs, so cant say much. The Malay Doc was horrible. You know, Malays love to watch Indon dramas and movies, how come you cant emulate them at least half as well? Nurse knows zero, doctor knows nuts. Thats a great team for a hospital. I decided from that day onwards, I wont watch it, yeah you just lost many viewers, not just me. We are not asking for sex and kissing scenes, we are asking for scenes that will touch the heart, that will connect the viewers, words and sentence thats strikes a chord in their hearts. Whens it is a sad scene, cry, shed a tear or two. When you need to be angry, give it all out. I think these people should either quit or go for some serious acting classes. Like ALOT of it.

I know fresh faces would do the industry good, but it must be with quality not quantity. If I were to be the casting crew or director, I would get poeple like Sheryl Samad, Ida Nerina, Umi Aida and Ardean Sherzdawaty(or something like that her name) to act. Now this actresses are good. If you want new faces, you hvae Sazzy Falak, that heroin in Gol & Gincu, Maria Londoh girl, Sharifah Armani, that best friend of hers in Sindarella too. Now thess are new actress with talent that you can play with. They can act well. There are some good actors. Choosing the above people are ridiculous. And possibly disastorous.

However, I would like to congratulate the director and his people in using high-deff camera and good lightings. You stil need to improve on your sound system and do add more songs to go with the feelings. Hire someone professional and get those graphic people to do touch ups. There are so many things one can do, but none takes the effort. Dont use 'short of money' as an issue. I would fire those horrible actors and actress and hire more crews and better machines to make the shots better with lesser actors and actress who are not horrible in acting and are not wasting the real money.

These are my honest opinions. You need to brush up alot.Luck


Bytheway, Avril Lavigne did manage to put on her show. But I bet she had to cut many things. Rumours was, she only changed her attire twice(how fun is that?).However, no one has beat Mariah yet.There was also these horrible people who were passing out pamplets(is that how you spell it?) to muslims that were going for the concert on the supposedly original entertainment style of the religion. I can only imagine how it would be.

There was also alot of problem recently in Kedah where the government didnt allow performers to perform. I have no idea why, but i still think it isnt right. Then in KL there was suppose to be the Summer Merdeka Fest( I think thats what its called) which was suppose to be on the eve of Merdeka. The organisers cancelled the show. They paid back the people who bought the tickets. You know what they said, that they would rather deal with the people who bought the tickets and repay them back then facing and i quote "a huge headache from the authorities". The thing is, it wasnt even told to be cancelled. I guess they werent courageous enought to go against this poeple. Its plainly sad.

Well, its better then nothing though, that she performed. And its fantastic that some pliticians when to see it and commented good things about it. It was all nice too see too that most media generated alot of hype which are basically about the positve attributes of Avril. At least the civilians still know the media can help them and be on their side.

Mainly, it boils down to basic human rights and choices of everyday lives. None is given, then theres war of words and even physically. Although, its sad to note that it might lead to people being captured and prisoned and bloodshed and everything(i DEFENSIVILY oppose all kind of violence), I find that it possibly could be the most effective way to gain attention to say that we have our rights that we wish to practice freely on what was enshrined in the constitution.

So anyways, I hope we still have more concerts coming by. By this I dont mean some boring old farts.