Thursday, August 28, 2008

Avril Lavigne to SEXY uh?

Well the above I think, you would know what todays topic would be. Its really ridiculous to know whats happening to the industry lately. This news about not allowing Avril Lavigne to perform here on the 29th August in Stadium Merdeka is a total bologne. I mean how unfair is it for the Culture and Arts Department to chose what should and should not be brought into this country. Of all people I really dont think Avril is of any bad influence. If anything she is more of a role model. She has kept to her promise of not selling her self but her voice to generate income. One which she has kept. All her shows are knee length short and a top, with long blonde hair and strikes of pink(recently). So where is she sexy, raunchy, and just disastorous aspects of her that will break the morality and religious status of the fans?

To stop its show we heard many resons. There was the excuse that it was near Merdeka celebration. Fair enough. Then we heard that due to punk-funk scenes, its not healthy for the people. Then we heard the Department was pressured by some religious group of a few particular states. I mean seriously, punk-funk? Ask any of the adults and they know more punk, rock and anything hard metal then now generation. It was their generation that started it all. Cold, hard, raw music. They danced to it. They made rock and punk, chic and glam during the 90's. Now wheres the wrong in that? Back then, no one stopped them. People knew it was a transformation. It was change. And years later, the same people who danced to the music are leading the country and they are the ones who are telling us we shouldnt listen to all this 'racket'? And we should just keep our bums down? Oh please. And about the religious group of people. I do agree that being a Muslim country certain things have to be taken into account. But things like Non-Muslims are also inexistence in this country and would like to watch it should also be considered. Mostly, i find, the ruling people always takes decision biased-ly or well lop-sided. Its fair to say that they can ban it on certain people, like Oh! I dont know the MP's children and the whole state from where those religious people come from.

I have no idea whats free and whats not in this country. Initially, it was all race, religion and customs. Now it looks like even entertainment, clothes, attitude etc. Seriously, who are those people to tell us what to wear and what to see? Its not like we are asking for free porn tv or something. And the performers are not strippers or will be baring all and walking from one end to the other! Its realy ridiculous for the Malay(sian) adult/leader(s) to tell us what we should watch. At 18 till 28, the youths are not going to spend 100 odd-bucks for jazz or opera or acrobats or some old veteran singers (unless of course Elvis returns from the dead, but that too has doubts). Its this artist that we want to watch. Well, if they think we shouldnt watch this, then promote the local artist out loud! Apart for some semi-balled AF winner dude. Get your local artist out there. Tell them to come out with songs that are at international level, promote them, get them to go around the world to sing and come back here. Malaysians will definitely want to see her/him perform. Malaysia loves anything international. But just incase you havent notice, we have none. Siti is not countable as she sings overseas but rarely in the country apart from one or two sleepy songs.

There was this write up recently in some particular media if i am not mistaken about some Indonesian artist who was called to perform, and then cancelled due to the same old farts, and then called back again and then cancelled and finally performed for a private crowd somewhere in KL.

1)Why are we promoting singers from the other side of the Ocean to come and perform here?Arent those dance moves raunchy, sexy and etc? -Please note that the people who invited these artist are Malay(sians)
2)What happend to local artists?Did they all just died overnight or something?Or does the inviters,is that even a word, doesnt believe in Malay(sian) artists to pull enough crowd?
3)What does this show about the country?On and off, on and off.We dont stand by the principals made!

If they dont want to show it then prior to publicising that the artist is to perform here, do have thorough research done and get feedback from all sources on whether it should be done or not. Apparently, after years and years, no, centuries and centruies of embarassing experiences the organisers and that Department has yet to learn a lesson.

Sadly, its not only embarassing for the organisers and the Department but also the whole country. The past week E! CHANNEL has said some things about Malaysia. Theres only so much we can defend the country. And somehow not all truths can be covered. click this and you can read what they wrote.

I missed Beyonce and Christina. One of the best performers on stage. Do you know how many Malaysians were wanting to watch them. And Singapore gets all the money and the credit for hosting huge performers at such a petite country. Malaysia is being ridiculed by others due to thess shallow minded , blind sided, dumb idiots who knows nuts about entertainment. Well, frankly even if they do, i know they are still what I just said. And since last years favourite quote was 'holier than thou'. I would like to ask those people involved in these field and who created those rackets, do they think their family members especially their teens and kids and youths are holier then the rest of the country?They dont glue themselves to MTV to watch these artist sing and perform?

..............That shows how much they know about their own blood.............

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Ok I watched this last night with my friend Karti. It was awesome. I mean we are talking about Malaysian movies you know. Everyone knows, Malay movies(allow me to be frank)disastorous. I never found anyone that I liked. Of course i do have the occasional once. But it was like Embun, Paloh (Stop) then Puteri Gunung Ledang (Stop)then Yasmin Ahmads movie, and slowly its creaping up since last year. I hate Indon movies, not because of any reasons, just mainly its not fait that they seem to have the good movies with good scenes and all and Malaysians always succumb to it. Leave this be.

So last night at 9.50pm, I and Karti(my best friend) when to Sunway Carnival in Butterworth here. I tell you it was packed. EVERYONE WAS PUSHING EACH OTHER. I cant recall the last i had to go through such a phenomenon. Probably the high publicisty stunts and the anticipation there was, we had many eager faces. And just so you know i bought the tickets at 9.15pm. And we took the last seats available. It was a long que stil behind us, but of course we coudlnt guess whether it was for this movie or any other. My friend and me were so relaxed to watch this movie. This is so because, being a Malay movie there is no point of expecting anything then "I love you...Do you love me?" So this movie was more reverting then anything. It was fresh. And that i mean by sound quality, picture quality, the frames and the most queesential, the acting. There was many things the directed played with, namely the time genre. Censors are not in action here. Susuk in its barest form means inserting gold and silver needle into the persons body with diamonds at the top. It is to increase the persons attractiveness. So the movie is pretty much revolves around that and a diva(Ida Nerina) and singer-wannabe-nurse (Soraya-dont know her real name).Oh yah, i forgot to write this, it Sunway Carnival and Megamall Pacific in Butterworth, i heard the cinemas ws fully booked for this show. In KLCC, it was booked also, yesterdat and the day before. Movie must be something.

Well cheers for Malaysian movie!

Keep up the Good Work!


So results are out. But laws pending. Lets not get to know what i got ok. Not necessary. Not that its bad neither was it good. I am now all confused with what I am suppose to do and where I am to go now. I know I should go and do what i want to do. But being an Asian... So anyways, my day after the results or more like the night started with a low key played by my Mom (Pelakon Anugerah Terbaik Sepanjang Hidup Diran) and Dad (Pemenang Pelakon Lelaki Harapan Terbaik sepanjang Hidup Diran). So you see i had good actor's with me in the house, so they did put on a good show. Lasted for a few days and all. Still is.

I am still confused where I want to go.

Kemayan ATC?
Brickfields Asia College?
International Islamic University?

Everything seems so difficult........Decisions.....I have to do it...soon....

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Inconsistent and On Needles

I've learned this new habit of myself. I AM NOT CONSISTENT. Yah, because i think i wrote the last post long time ago and then i didnt continue. It was suppose to be my newself thing and all. I hope my newself i snot the inconsistent type. That wil be very difficult.

Anyways, apart from that i have something else in my mind. My results came out yesterday. Yes, my A-levels results are out already. Effective 4pm yesterday, if i am not mistaken. Some aquaintance that i know scored well. Great. And here i am a nervous wreck and i am hearing other people who are doing really well. That's really not fair you know. Its like how come 'we' who always wants the better results actually flinch more then the one's who are not bothered. The thing is i have that huge flinch, its just that i am not confident i guess. Friends and family says "You will do well!" or like "Believe in Him and it will help". Yeah, well we Asians definitel have alot of faith in Him. And of course he helps. Just i gues not everyone. And maybe because that person didnt ask the right way or something. Or not with his/her full heart. I think i asked with more then just my heart. I am so topsy-turvy now. I am doing back flaps (or wtv its called), my stomach is all in knots. I am all in needles, and its scarily preaking me. I have huge butterflie flying in my stomach. My hands are ice cold and so is my whole body. Can you believe this, i am actually typing this whole post without any fan. No air-cond to. Gosh, i wonder why. In my mind i keep saying "i am not bothered by it...etc". But the heart says something else. Well, i guess, the hardest thing to govern is the heart.

Well, i have so many things in my mind. Such as the place i am going to study and all. Thats alot of job you know. Gosh, i wonder. Yes, apparently i do wonder alot, and i like it very much, thank you.

So, i thought of writting this blog before i check out my results on the computer. I am stil very afraid to type it of course. To go on the website and all. Haih. But i do have to go soon. So anyways, for now i would bid my humble goodbye. Probably i will come and blog later once the results sink in, be it good or bad. Not sure whether i am checking it now, but very soon. So bye.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Imagine This

This is my first blog for this new site, obviously. I had this great fantasy to write this so, here it is.

It was more than just an East-meets-West do at Shiseido’s launch of the fall/winter Maquillage line in Kuala Lumpur

IMAGINE the bright lights of a Blade Runner city like Kuala Lumpur, where method meets madness in a megalopolis of 8 million people programmed in perpetual rush mode.

Factor in an East-meets-West theme: a hot young designer hyped as Fashion’s Next Big Thing, the reigning It guy of the runway, and an irresistible new colour collection that sums up the crossover mood, Mode Mix(not inspired by Ugly Betty)

It’s a checklist for the mother of all make-up parties, for the fall/winter Maquillage line by leading Japanese brand Shiseido, in the city’s chic Pavillion Mall.

Its star product – Lasting Climax Rouge – could have been a provocative talking point for guests between their champagne and canapes.

Wow factor: Hariz Diran had those present at the Maquillage Shiseido party going ga-ga.

There was an undercurrent of excitement among Asian and Western journalists invited for a sneak preview of the global launch of the line.

But the buzz wasn’t about the creative collaboration between Shiseido and London-based designer Christopher Kane, who channelled a taste and sensibility that have rocked divas such as Vogue editor Anna Wintour and Donatella Versace since his debut in Milan in 2006.

Not even his collection of drop-dead glamorous clothes embellished with giant plastic sequins that have a wistful touch of Paco Rabanne and The Supremes circa 1960s or the disco craze of the 1970s.

An adrenaline rush lifted the room, packed with buttoned-up Malaysian salary women and men and champagne-sipping fashionistas, when model du jour Hariz Diran appeared in the flesh, as an illuminated box lifted from the catwalk.

Never mind that he shared the stage with a quartet of top Asian models with cheekbones sharper than samurai blades and looks that sell tons of Shiseido products in the heartland.

The versatility of Maquillage was represented, with five different make-up versions on the celebrities who included Anne Watanabe, daughter of the Japanese actor, and Chiaki Kuriyama, who struck terror into movie fans with her role as Go-go in Kill Bill and Amber Chia, the first Asian woman to becomes the Guess Winner of 2006.

But all eyes were on Hariz, the most wanted and sort after male model after the ubiquitious Brazillian hunk Marcus Schenkenberg.

In sequinned white chiffon indian designed shirt and flat boots, he was a picture of Malaysian cool brought up to speed.

“Hariz! Hariz! Hariz!”

The excitement continued off-stage later as the catwalk prince made his way through the crowd like fashion royalty.

Autograph hunters were brushed off by his minders. Hariz sweetly threw a nod here and glance there, too overwhelmed by the hullabaloo to speak, or perhaps too smart to pop the magic bubble around him.

The mood is surreal: groupies ga-ga over a polite yet stunning boy, hailed as owning some X-factor that has helped to move everything from sunglasses to scent from the shelves.

Shiseido has flown fashion’s muse of the moment, most likely at great expense, to Kuala Lumpur for a cameo appearance.

But it must be worth every ringgit, to entrust the re-invention of a make-up to the face of the moment.

The model strutted down the runway like a carefree schoolboy. In a turn of legs clad in a bright purple short shorts, he kickstarted Shiseido into a hip and funky mode.

For decades, the brand has been the epitome of Japanese innovation in beauty and skincare to Asian women and now man.

It’s no longer just about camouflage to put your best face forward.

In the 21st century, creating artifice is also about fulfilling fantasies and role play for Generations X and Y.

It’s set to be a bestseller with its contemporary and timeless theme – symbolic of a whole new universe for Shiseido, and Hariz rising career.

----Believe me I just wrote my fantasy for everyone to see. Well thats the new me, not afraid anymore. I have learned to share myself and not be afraid to express my thought. This is what i dream of doing. Someday.-----