Saturday, January 31, 2009

Refer to Mr. Afdlin Shauki's blog at SELAMBAKODOK's HOUSE

my point of view...

Dear Mr.Afdlin Shauki,

I applaud your write up on this issue and I would whole heartedly agree with you on it all. But, may I, if you would to allow, add few things.

1. Dont look so far. Look at Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia(I believe either Malaysia'a arch enemy or best friend), and Philipines. We cant even compete with any of these countries films. They too do it at small scale and budget and yada yada like you explained, but their content, the depth of the film is far more richer then three Malaysian films combined together. You agree with me, others agree with me and so does myself.

2.If you want Malaysians to watch your films and be all "One Language, One Unity" then start by portraying a Malaysian film. Not a Malay-sian film. I am Malaysian Muslim. But I dont want to watch a movie that goes on about the malay culture, speak the malay language, have malay actors and directors and film crews and food supliers and musicians blah blah blah. Dont compare yourself with Hollywood as they embrace difference. You cant use China and India and all as there, culture diversity is a thing of probabaly the future(if at all they get to integrate India and China together to get loads of Chindians). One thing for sure, apart from Yasmin Ahmad movies and some indie movies I cant seem to see where your 'budaya Malaysia' captured anywhere. Until and unless you can do that, and yet you do not have any Malaysians watching your film, then you complain it makes sense.

3.If I am right, the local Malaysian movies have terrible audio system, camera angles, stupid scripts that makes no sense from head to toe, actors and actress that are as stiff as wood let alone act. The so-called movies constantly looked as if its a documentary because either you use a very low definition of camera or you use a handy-cam. Make up is bad, man dont even put make up and their oily faces and eye bags are a turn off. Ladies clothes makes no sense to the environment and their styles are abysmal. Example of a good movie, look at Khabir Bhatia's movie 'Sepi' and 'Cinta', you looked good. You're a great actor, no doubt about it. You were in his film Mr. Afdlin. Learn from him. Look at his angles, look how he pulls the audience into his shows. The story line, the actions of the actors and actress, the scripts were off the charts and can you belive how many people cried watching the movie. I know you're more off the making people laugh in their seats, but frankly the jokes in Malay-sian movies are so kampung. We cant relate to daily lifes and most of it are so bad, you wish the electricity just shuts down automatically.

4. Malay-sian movies are mainly malays. Wow, talk about celebrating diveristy. Talk about "Malaysia, Truly Asia". Satu pun tak kena. I am not going to watch something that is obviously racist in the sense of cast yet they insist we should support them. Look at Yasmin Ahmad's film. See how she mixes people. Her budgets, if I am right are always small and are rarely backed by the government, FINAS as you call it. Yet they receive standing ovations overseas and are loved by all Malaysians. These are the movies we are interested in. All genre's of movies in Malaysia makes no sense. Be it comedy, horror, thriller, sad, romance. I dont know. At least if Malaysian films focus on one kinda movie genre that might help, but then that would be like restricting creativity.

5. The government, or FINAS constantly cut this and that thinking they know better about the movies we should watch and should not. Like you said, piracy. Like hello, theres still piracy. People can still get the movies from there. FINAS or whoever constantly red tapes here and there until the very essence of the movie is no longer there and its just a waste of peoples money to watch it. And the poeple in the industry doesnt want to allow new styles of movies, refreshing idea, vibrant youth mind, diverse culture. Theres no challenge in Malaysian movies. The one that was shown yesterday is as bad as the one after, maybe even worst. No competition, its just monotonous. Why do you think the local theatres and indie scenes are getting better and receiving more interest then ever before. Its because there, they see a brighter future, they are given a chance to perform. There its not about Malay-sian.There is about Malaysian.

6.The entertainment industry badly needs a good marketing mananger. Dont talk about finance. With proper handling of the money, good relations with the people in charge and some good drama, anything can do. Do you think the whole SEA entertainment industry have good marketing industry? Do you think Indon has a good marketing industry? Actually, we support them more then we support here. You know why? They're acting is better. They're movies have more sense. They're actors and actressess are good looking and pretty not like the one's here. And there you have big companies willing to support them. Why? Because they know the movies is good and worth the investment. Here, aha! Like I said, this one is bad, the next might be same or even worst. And one things for sure, your marketing people are not maarketing people. They dont think out of the box. So rigid and so closed minded, they're not creative and thrifty. They spend on unmarketable prodcuts.

For now, this is all I can think. But seriously Mr.Afdlin, if you want the Malaysians to support you, you need to have a Malaysian movie made. You need to have better emotions being played on the show. People always wants to see movies because of emotions, adn if the actors are as stiff as a stick, whats the point? And think out of the box for your movies. Dont be all comedy gila and love stories that are 'untouchables'(sentuh tu haram la blah blah blah) with similar story line during P.Ramlee's time.Make a change. Fight against those who make this a norm. Change for Malaysians and change will definitely come for you.

Kalau ada tersilap kata, saya menghumpun sepuluh jari minta maaf ye.Sorry

By the way, Happy New Year.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009



Mix Malaysians

I actually found out that my friend knows this guy Mahesh Jugal Kishore. And he was of course talking about him over and over or atleast going on about how that guy is not that fantastic. I have nothing to say about him. For now, I find him neutral to me. He is an actor in the upcoming movie of the talented Yasmin Ahmad titled 'Talentime'. He's like some important role in the whole show. I dont know much about acting but his acting in the Petronas Deepavali advertisemnt was barely acting-able. I havent acted before and all but still I know about acting and I certaily belief he does not know how to act. But thats of course of a mere 35 second role in the advertisemnt. So to judge him just on that is not right. I of course thing that everyone has their way of acting and its in that simplicity is how Ms.Yasmin preferred it to be. I have to say, Yasmin Ahmad's movies always gets critiqued. Be it good or bad, but it Malaysia the "critics" who are the official critics always talks bad about her shows how the angle is bad and the story line makes no sense, the cast are filled with back actors, its this and that. But apparently, when its critiqued overseas it gets good reviews. And shes always well praised about how simple and virgin her movies are. What I cant understand is why can her talent not be appreciated well enough here? Its sad really. The younger generation want so much to accept her interacial stories and smart stories. In all, we do really love all her movies and we find it so educational and beautifully scripted. Yet you have the undaunted few who still refuse to move on their colonial perception that Malaysia should remain separate or Malay-asia and that no matter what it should remain one and another. It tears the heart of the many innocents who wish to see a brighter future. Actually, I still dont understand why this should happen. Ok I am dropping this topic for now.

I want to be in her movies I cant seem how to do so. Some say there are auditions, some say not due to the lack of funds available to do so. I dont know. Actually, I want to act in local films. But the problem is they are so Malay that it makes it look so fake. Like as if all Indians here are jokers and all chinese are to be sluts. It doesnt make sense. And it seems having a role as a mix person is hard. I dont know. Every movie like takes only malay, malay, malay. But of course, there is no such thing as a Malay. I do of course see role like non malays hold and its barely important or fun or invokes anything. They are unlike America or Britain where you can see a healthy mix in the entertainment indstry. It just seems so hard in Malaysia. I hope the industry will be more open, and are willing to accept the beauty of our mix people in Malaysia and learn to accept it in Malaysia. I know Madam Yasmin Ahmad is doing it one step at a time by taking in a one all look first. Like an all chinese, an all Indian and sorts. But I hope there will be more directors like her who would push through for a more Malaysian movie. And that then they later will accept a more mix Malaysians.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

bored to write....

I am so tired and exhauted. I just got all the documents done today. Did grocery shopping. When for class. Before that when too the shop. Later after class when to the shop again. Then sold some stuffs then now back home. Sis is coming back tommorow. Cant wait to drop everything all on her. Haha. I am so evil. Forgive me.

But seriously its fun doing all this. Calvin is the same. But I think I guess his burden is abit more different. I mean all he do is work in his fathers shop. I on the other hand have like the shop to take care, things to sign and order, go for class, home groceries and freinds to update. But I love this life. I feel like I am of those Sex anbd the City girls. Powerfull and sexy all in one (although I find them menapaused). But I am not gay la.

Anyways, I have to talk to a friend.Bye

Thursday, January 15, 2009


No. Really. Its wow. I cant believe how freaking long it has been since I last came online. Last time I BLOG. This of course is my main source of solice and at the same time meeting wiht people who share the same thoughts and opinion and even if we dont at least it would be healthy way of debating it and learning something new. Forgive me for two thing:



I know whoever reads this would spit me and scream at me and tell me that I am so last year. But sadly I am. I just didnt have online connection. And I am so busy. Dont ask me what. That will be a whole another blog. But for now. I am just here to wish everyone a Happy New Year. I dont know whats in store. But slowly I am already feeling the pinch. Income. Love. Studies. Relationship.Israel.

I dont know whether to hate them. Or kill them. Either way, they're not in my heart.

Everyone, I AM BACK. Watch out!