Thursday, December 3, 2009


How does an experience leaves you with?Worst off?Better off?Stronger?Weaker?Dumb-founded?Wiser?

How do you equate an experience whether it is good or bad?Of the condition at that point of time?Or the latter?

We all have weird experiences,funny experiences,angry experiences,and mixed emotions experiences. But would you call it bad or good? Would you say the bad one's are due to your karma and bad luck?or would you say the good one is,well you dont say anything really when its good.

I met with an accident today.When I was turning into my housing area,I put my signal 3 seconds before turning and this motorbike who had seated a man and his wife just drove at the side of my left without paying any attention. So when I turned, he banged me on my left part of the car and fell down with his wife. He had a bad bad scratch and so did his wife. Her skirt had droplets of blood all over. She knew he was wrong, because she was wimpering at him and telling him in hokkien he was wrong. He of course,being the man said it was my fault. I was talking to him in a very rought tone saying it as his fault. Thank god that area had alot of indians. They came to my rescue and said it was neither's fault. They were about 50+ years old. Yeah,old. I discussed with him,told him I'd pay for the medical bills. He's motorbike left hand side mirror broke and his handle crakced a little. That was all. I decided I could be an adult for once and settle this properly without my parents involved. I told him I'd pay 50 buxs for his motor and we'd be done. But no,he said its more expensive then that and that if not lets go to the police. I was very tempted but I was only a 'P' driver and I am due in three weeks time to get my real licence. I wouldnt want to jeapordise it.

So brought him to some unknown chinese clinic and they got wiped and tetanus shots and I paid RM50 each. Thats RM100. Then I brought him to a place in Chai Leng Park to get it repaired but it was closed. Then when to BM. This time I had to call my dad. So my dad came and the man trembled. So does every other man when they see dad. Ahh,the luxury. And my dad told me to bring him to a mechanic near my place and it was all'kautimed'.

I think I was the most nicest victim. I am the victim mind you. My car just got few scratch marks. No biggie. But of course I do pity the couple. He told me he wanted to do further check ups. FUCK YOU. I told him "No.Our agreement was I paid this medical bill and fix ur bike. Other then that not my problem" and he shut his mouth. I know at the way you all see how I write this, it may look like I am the bad guy because why then would I be obliged enough to bring him to a clinic and fix his bike.

Thing is,I brought him to the clinic because of civic conciousness. I drove him and his wife there. I mean, if I was to be in his side I would hope that someone would be kind enough to send me there too.The bike fixing story was because I am not going to pay,will get dad to do it and also that its better that way then he going to the police because then my licence might be pulled. Oh yes,its RM80 to fix the whole thing.Expensive lar.

So dad for now has not said anything. I told him not to tell mom. But knowing my dad,he would. God knows how I am going to look at mom in the eyes. She's going to give me a good mouth lashing. Of course,I do hope dad takes me as an adult enough not to tell mom. But parents are parents and never your friends.Mom was giving me a whole speech last night and today morning about how I drive and blah blah. Isnt it ironic this happened today morning?

So how do I quantify this experience? It will make me face accidents better next time I suppose,but of course it all depends on circumstances and definielty I am not hinting of getting into it anymore.I will be more cautious on the road?I am braver to talk to adults?I dont know. I am afraid of Mom really. The adrenalin is really all about mom. I know you may be thinking, boy what a wimp. But you have no idea how my mom is. So where do I stand?I lost RM180, there goes my new nike sport shoes. I guess itseither NB or RBK now.

I am still stunned by the whole thing in the morning. Its lie a huge wake up call. I really need to be more cautious on the road. What happens if next I will be in thier position and I dont get through it? Boy, now there's a thought.
